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    Bridget Wedding Planner Review(s)

    128 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Angelica Veronika
    27 November 2023 | Bride at Stevian - Angelica Wedding


    Gatau mau ngmg apalagi slain kata2 makasi byk krn sbnrnya kata2 makasi nya ga cukup utk mewakilkan how thankful n grateful we are buat ktemu Wedplanner ini Thankyou so much ci yul n team!!!! Team nya keren bgt, gercep, trs care bgttt Sgala lah dibawain Sendal teplek yg hotel dibawain, pas cape pake heels jd tinggal ganti😂😂😂 (yg nemenin aku kak vebe gercep bgt definisi yg slalu ada disaat butuh smpe terharuuu😭 Dan berhubung ku sibuk Slama persiapan bnr2 kyk ga keganggu apa2 Tiap ditanya org persiapan smpe mana? Sampe gatau mau jwb apa krn Smua nya uda diaturin. Kyk tinggal duduk manis bayar2, dan cm tinggal acc ini ituu Ci yul jg orgnya bae bgt dan nyantai bgt, dan sabar hahaha begitu jg dengan teamnya, team lawak. Slama hari H ga brasa tegang samsek, ktawa2 aja gt. Trs pinter nego, byk nawarin rekanan yg bgs jg. Cm tinggal acc2 doang dan tinggal liat2 dikit jg Dan yg paling penting Slalu kasi sarannnn. Ini penting bgt, krn aku pribadi suka ngelempar sesuatu ke org jd pasti aku tanya, bagusnya yg gmn? Dan lgsg ci yul kasi saran ini ituuuu Slama acara jg ke arrange baik, lancar2 aja, kendala kyknya ga ada deh. Krn komunikasinya baik bgt ke kita, bs diajak diskusi jg. Dan apa2 ngmg jg. Jd bnr2 mantep bgt utk diandalkannnnnn!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ aku dan pasangan jg bnr2 100% full trussstt ke ci yul n team. Pkknya aku sm suami rekomen bgt WP iniiiiii utk berbagai macam bigdayyyy Oya!!! Sangjit ku jg diurusinnnn, so kinddddd❤️❤️❤️ thankyoou so muchhhhh Skali lg thankyou so muchhhhh ci yul n team!!!!!!! Sampai ktemu dilain wktu dan dilain acaraaa❤️❤️❤️

    Vendor Reply

    27 November 2023
    Waaah curhatnya panjang sekali 😍😍😍 Our pleasure Lica and Vian. Thank you so much sudah percayain the big day sama Bridget Wedding 🙂 Happy Wedding and see you both yaaa... dalam segala macam acara. Hehehehehehe... God bless you
    Andreas Yaprianto
    04 November 2023 | Groom at Andreas & Siaowan Wedding

    very helpful and worthy WO and WP for our wedding

    We wanna say Terima Kasih banyak untuk mengurus wedding kita. Bridget sudah sangat berpengalaman untuk menginfo kan dan membantu menyusun vendor\ yang suitable.\n\nMereferensikan dan menyarankan vendor yang Oke dan worth it untuk penyesuaian budget dan layanan untuk kelancaran wedding kami. \n\n Untuk planning dalam wedding sudah sangat professional dan , Keep it simple but tetap ter provide untuk kebutuhan, terutama yang tidak terpikirkan oleh kami. \n\nThe last but the most is the organizing. Wed say hari berjalan smooth sesuai schedule di hari H. Walaupun ada beberapa kondisi yang menghambat, Team Bridget dengan serius dan cepat mrnghandle nya sehingga tetap on track. Juga team nya sangat prepare untuk kebutuhan seperti fisik Bride and Groom, dan anggota keluarga inti kami serta Bridesmaid dan Bestman.\n\nIn the very end, Were very grateful to meet Bridget Wedding Planner and Organizer. Sukses terus untuk Bridget and keep doing your magic for your next clients

    Vendor Reply

    04 November 2023
    Thank you Andreas for the review 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙂 Salam untuk mama papa dan keluarga lainnya ya 🙏🏻🙂
    Erika Yulianti
    31 October 2023 | Bride at Dennyka & Erika Wedding

    Best wedding organizer

    Thank you so much Bridget team!!! Semuanya rock banget dan asik!! Bisa handle segala situasi jadi smooth, fast response dan selalu bisa jawab pertanyaan kita sampai detail dan kita puas! Bener2 dari persiapan sampai selesai wedding pun masih handle kita dengan baik! Professional dan gesit banget. Bridget bener2 pilihan wo kita yang pertama karena udah klop banget pas kemarin handle koko ku wedding jadi pas sudah ada tgl wedding kita langsung pilih Bridget!

    Vendor Reply

    31 October 2023
    Hi Erika, thank you so much for your review yaa... happy honeymoon. Hehehehehehe...
    16 October 2023 | Bride at Halim Kusuma Wijaya & Nadya Liaunata Wedding


    Terimakasih untuk Bridget yg udah bantuin aku Nadya & Halim dari awal banget cari vendor yg cucok buat aku, sampe hari H acara.. Bridget bener ngebantu aku banget sama pasangan, apalagi aku yg kurang ngerti soal dunia perweddingan 🤭 di tambah jadwal aku yg sibuk, ci Yuli yg selalu ingetin apa aja yg aku lupa, apa aja vendor yg aku blm kontek.. team Bridget jg mantap, pas hari H juga banyak bantu aku kesana sini bawain gaun, bawain tisu, minum, sampe pegangin bunga 🥰 Thankyou sekali lagi untuk Bridget & Team , terutama ci Yuli, thankyou verrymuch.. ga ada lbh banyak kata lagi yg bisa di ungkapin, pokoknya mantappppp 💯💯💯🩷 memuaskan hati..

    Vendor Reply

    31 October 2023
    Hi Nadya, so sorry, baru lihat ada review. Hehehehehehe... Thank you juga sudah percaya sama Bridget Wedding. We do our best buat mimpi kamu jadi kenyataan, akhirnya konsep yang kalian mau bisa kejadiannya, so beautiful 😍😍 Happy Wedding knce again and happy honeymoon
    Ines Caroline
    11 October 2023 | Bride at Ronny & Ines Wedding


    Thanks a bunch buat Bridget! Sangat membantu buat kelancaran hari H weddingku! sukses selalu ci❤️

    Vendor Reply

    11 October 2023
    Hi Ines, thank you ya untuk reviewnya... samapi ketemu akhir bulan yaa 😍😍😍
    Priska Veriani
    03 August 2023 | Bride at Kenichi & Priska Wedding


    Trusted Bridget for my wedding and really grateful for their help during D-day. From assisting each family members, bride assistant, keeping track of schedule & time, organizing the teapai event as well. Thankyou to Bridget team sudah melancarkan & membantu acara pernikahan kami🙏🏼☺️

    Vendor Reply

    03 August 2023
    Hi Priska, thank you so much for your trust 🙏🏻🙏🏻😍😍😍 Kami senang bisa involved di hari bahagia kalian. Salam buat mama yaa... hehehehehehe. Jesus always be with your new family and God always besides you 😇😇

    Wedding Planning

    What wedding planning services do you offer?
    1. Direct and Detail Discussion for wedding couple to be 2. Fast response for all activities 3. Provided template 4. Practical size of wedding book 5. Family handling if needed
    Do you support or cater to any specific religions?
    We support all religions. We have cater Christian, Catholic, Moslem and Buddha and hoping will cater Hindu in the future.
    What sizes of weddings have you coordinated in the past? Min? Max?
    Minimum: 80 invitations with 150 people. Maximum: 1,000 invitations with 2,000 people.
    How many weddings do you plan a year?
    30 weddings
    Do you plan weddings internationally?
    We used to serve our client in International way and also several of Traditional wedding. International Wedding is our main services but also ee serve the Indonesian Traditional Wedding. Located in several places also: wedding in Singapore, but mostly in Jakarta and Bali, Indonesia
    How soon should I book your services?
    Soonest is the best, latest by 6 months prior Wedding Day
    What is required for booking your services?
    Approval of Agreement draft and both parties signature on the sealed agreement
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    Started an hour prior to make up session completion until the wedding reception accomplished as stated in invitation card, approx is 14 until 16 hours
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation,  Detailed task checklist,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Ceremony planning, Attendee list preparation will be an additional charge
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding, Traditional Wedding, International Wedding, Catholic, Christian, Moslem and Buddha
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Before sealed a deal, to achieve chemistry between wedding consultant and client (wedding couple to be)
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    100 to 2000 person(s)
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Bali, Surabaya, Bandung, Jogjakarta
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The most ideal time for client to contact us, 3 - 12 months prior the wedding day
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    9 hours for Half Day Wedding Organizer services Started from make up session until end of Reception for Full Day Wedding Organizer services
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    50% Downpayment after signing contract 50% Repayment/settlement 1 month prior to wedding day
    When was your business established?
    Established in 2004 and going to public in 2011 by online marketing and viral
    What makes your services unique?
    1. Personal touch to wedding couple 2. Unique experiences shared that could help wedding couple 3. Good motivation and idea for couple to be. 4. Fast response to complete the couple's need. 5. Mostly "after service" action which the wedding couple needed in the future. 6. Quick decision needed on the D'Day if special case appeared oitside of normal condition
    What service do you provide?
    Full planning, Partial planning, Day of coordinator
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    English and Mandarin
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    July 2020 - cooperated with BZ team for handling "New Normal Wedding Simulation"
    By appointment only 11470

    Established in 2004 and we are glad and blessed, we are keep growing. Our mission: serving the best for our wedding couple, make their wedding day beautiful as what they are dreaming off We serve all Indonesian city, especially Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Bali. We have our representative partners in Surabaya and Bali that could make all preparation and coordination easier for our wedding couple.

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