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    The Serenade Organizer Review(s)

    69 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Natasya Ayusandra Mahersaputri
    13 January 2025 | Bride at Tasya & Rifky Wedding

    Eleven out of ten!!✨

    Dari meeting pertama kami bersama The Serenade, langsung ngerasa klik karena nggak overclaim tapi tetap bisa branding themselves dengan baik. All the crews are helpful, mindful, well-behaved, sincere and professional. Apalagi kalau masalah disiplin waktu dan negosiasi dengan vendor lain, two thumbs up!! Kurang lebih satu tahun planning our wedding dengan The Serenade menggunakan jasa Wedding Planner mereka, kami sangat terbantu dan puas dengan servicesnya. Mas Harry, Mba Natali, Mba Nias, Mba Marissa, dan crew lainnya yang tdk bisa disebutkan satu persatu, thank you so much!❤️ Sukses selalu untuk The Serenade Organizer✨
    AKSA Creative
    29 October 2024

    Great Teamwork!

    Serenade Organizer is one of a kind! , great service and teamwork! not only for clients but us as vendor as well, we met as vendor back in 2017 and it was great!, Hary and team really have deep insight of their clients and understanding the clients as well! best of luck for Serenade!
    10 September 2024 | Bride at Nasha Wedding

    Good Job!

    Sangat membantu kebutuhan bride dan groom, tindakan juga cepat dan sigap:)
    Putri Larasati
    06 March 2024 | Bride at Putri & Kevin Wedding

    Helpful & fun!

    Saya menggunakan jasa The Serenade untuk wedding organizer only. Price wise masih okay dan sesuai standard wo competitor lainnya. Mas Harry & Team mulai aktif saat h-90 (sesuai contract), namun mas Harry pribadi bisa diganggu untuk konsul jauh sebelum itu hehehehe. Meskipun hanya wo (tanpa wp), Mas Harry masih open untuk provide rekomendasi vendor yang nantinya aku approach sendiri. Bahkan untuk acara lamaran yang tanpa jasa wo pun, mas Harry mau sharing informasi tentang lamaran ke aku. Dan untuk printilan vendor yang belum lengkap juga diingatkan terus agar segera diselesaikan oleh aku. Request bride checked dan concern-concern mas Harry juga tersampaikan ke keluarga. Saat d-day Mas Harry & team juga sangat menjaga mood bride biar tetep happy. Aku diescort sampai benar-benar selesai acara oleh team hingga ke kamar dan dibantu lepas all attire. Thank you Mas Harry & Team! Semoga The Serenande semakin sukses! :)
    Annisa A
    06 September 2023 | Bride at Annisa & Anders Wedding

    The best crew to trust planning and organising your big day

    Big thanks to The Serenade team for everything!! Untuk aku yang emang males dan kadang2 indecisive, Mas Harry, Mbak Nias dan team selalu sigap, sabar dan ikut menyumbangkan ide2 yang akhirnya juga cocok dengan keinginan aku. Dari planning h-setahun sampai eksekusi hari h all perfect. Thank you again The Serenade, we wish you all the best and lets stay in touch!!
    Diandra Khalishah
    17 April 2023 | Bride at Diandra & Deri Wedding

    Thank you The Serenade for making wedding prep so stress-free!

    Mas Harry, Mba Nias sebagai planner dan seluruh tim The Serenade di hari H benar-benar membuat persiapan pernikahan jadi stress-free, apalagi untuk aku & Uda Deri yang sibuk dengan kerjaannya luar biasa :) Ngontak Mas Harry di H-9 bulan nikahan, dan merupakan vendor pertama yang di booked dalam persiapan nikahan. I truly believe, having a good Wedding Planner & Organizer is the key to smooth wedding prep, and boy I was right! Semua dibantu dari awal sama Mas Harry & Teh Nias, dari nyariin vendor yang cocok sama personality kedua keluarga, kasih masukan objektif buat pilihan2 kita & bantu atur budget allocation supaya total budget ga terlalu jauh dari apa yang udah di plan sebelumnya. Communication was so easy, aku bisa duduk manis nunggu update dari Mas Harry dan Teh Nias sembari kerja dengan tenang :P Di hari H juga semuanya dibantu, dari check in hotel, crowd nikahan yang sempet rame tapi tetep flownya smooth, ditenangin untuk segala drama yang ada mendekati hari H, dan semua team sigap dengan segala kondisi unik masing2 keluarga inti. Makanan (satu aspek yang selalu jadi bahan julit semua tamu) cukup dan dapet apresiasi tinggi atas rasa & komposisi menu-nya (yang pasti ini hasil kolaborasi Mas Harry & Mama-Mama). Semua keluarga happy, pengantennya happy (walaupun capek juga hahaha). As a fellow project manager, I truly enjoy the good collaboration with Mas Harry & Teh Nias; and would recommend anyone who's busy or have unique family circumstances, or simply wants to have a stress-free wedding planning (or all) to explore the collab with The Serenade team!

    Wedding Planning

    What wedding planning services do you offer?
    we are offer all item about wedding
    Do you support or cater to any specific religions?
    yes, we are
    What sizes of weddings have you coordinated in the past? Min? Max?
    we have coordinated sizez of wedding start from 100 persons until 3000 persons.
    How many weddings do you plan a year?
    24 wedding event a year
    Do you plan weddings internationally?
    yes we do
    How soon should I book your services?
    as soon as possible
    What is required for booking your services?
    we have doing every step all about wedding, so we will give you every story from a real experience
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    around 5 until 18 hours, depend your plan about your activity on the day.
    what is the best step for start our wedding plan?
    What wedding planning services do you offer?
    We are planning start from to searching venue, decoratiom, entertaiment and all things about wedding.
    Do you support or cater to any specific religions?
    Yes i will
    What sizes of weddings have you coordinated in the past? Min? Max?
    I have coordinated the past wedding minimum 100 invitation 200 pax until 1000 invitation 2000 pax.
    How many weddings do you plan a year?
    I plan our wedding guest is minimum 36 every year.
    How soon should I book your services?
    A soon as posible
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    We never think about how much we must working for client. For full day package we are working start from morning call until finish reception.
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation,  Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Ceremony planning,  Other
    What service do you provide?
    Full planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    international and traditional wedding
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    contact our marketing
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    100 person to 3000 person.
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    the most ideal time for client to contact us would be 6 till 12 months prior to the wedding
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    start from morning call its bout 15hours
    What makes your services unique?
    we always do what it takes to make sure that every couples get the best from our vendors, and we make thats all discuss like homey
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    50% after contract, 50% a month before the date of wedding
    When was your business established?
    since 2013
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    in May 2015 ago, we became part of the wedding first son of foreign ministers ms. Retno Marsudi
    Apartemen Serpong Garden Tower Bellarosa Lt. 26 No. 12 (By Appoiment Only)

    The Serenade Organizer is a unity of many background of people. We are working based on our experience.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.