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    V & X by FIVE Seasons WOV & X by FIVE Seasons WO
    V & X by FIVE Seasons WOV & X by FIVE Seasons WO
    Wedding Planning
    H & Z by FIVE Seasons WOH & Z by FIVE Seasons WO
    H & Z by FIVE Seasons WOH & Z by FIVE Seasons WO
    Wedding Planning
    S & S by FIVE Seasons WOS & S by FIVE Seasons WO
    S & S by FIVE Seasons WOS & S by FIVE Seasons WO
    Wedding Planning
    N & S by FIVE Seasons WON & S by FIVE Seasons WO
    N & S by FIVE Seasons WON & S by FIVE Seasons WO
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    A & R by FIVE Seasons WOA & R by FIVE Seasons WO
    A & R by FIVE Seasons WOA & R by FIVE Seasons WO
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    E & L by FIVE Seasons WOE & L by FIVE Seasons WO
    E & L by FIVE Seasons WOE & L by FIVE Seasons WO
    Wedding Planning
    R & F by FIVE Seasons WOR & F by FIVE Seasons WO
    R & F by FIVE Seasons WOR & F by FIVE Seasons WO
    Wedding Planning
    A + J by FIVE Seasons WOA + J by FIVE Seasons WO
    A + J by FIVE Seasons WOA + J by FIVE Seasons WO
    Wedding Planning

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    FIVE Seasons WO Review(s)

    99 Review(s), sorted by :
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    Interviewed by Bridestory

    22 July 2024 | Bride at Chika & Brian Wedding

    Pengalaman bersama 5Seasons

    Senang banget 5season sangat membantu mulai dari persiapan hingga hari H, org2nya pada gercep dan inisiatif, pkoknya ok banget deh, semoga sukses selalu buat 5seasonss


    Interviewed by Bridestory

    19 July 2024 | Bride at Anggita & Liyan Wedding


    We're just married!! dan pengalamannya sangat2 luar biasa, semua berkat Five Season. Dari awal, mereka sudah sangat ramah dan profesional. FS benar2 dengerin apa yang kita inginkan terutama untuk setiap detailsnya. Selama persiapan wedding, team Five Season selalu ada buat kita & fast respon banget2, aplg kita berdua kerja kantoran yg pulang kantor malem trs ,jadi br ada waktu kadang malem banget tapi mereka selalu fast responsed. dari awal Five Season memastikan setiap detail terpenuhi. Mereka juga sangat membantu kita untuk menemukan vendor-vendor yang bagus dan cocok dengan budget. Dan kalo ada kurang dari vendor lainnya, Ci Ibel & team langsung handle ke vendor dan langsung beres seketika. Komunikasi dengan FS juga sangat lancar. Dari awal ketemu Ci Ibel aku langsung suka banget soalnya orangnya tegas & perfectionist, jadi ngrasa wedding ntinya pasti bakalan aman,, Next setiap timnya juga sangat2 lancar & setiap pertanyaan kami selalu dijawab dengan cepat dan jelas. Kita merasa sangat tenang karena mereka selalu memberikan update terbaru tentang persiapan pernikahan kita, oia ama selalu follow up kalo masi ada yang blm kita selesai-in, make sure ga kelupaan & cepet beres. Pada hari H, mereka bekerja dengan sangat baik. Semua berjalan sesuai rencana dan kami tidak perlu khawatir tentang apa pun. Kita bisa menikmati hari istimewa kami tanpa stres, at all. Terlalu lancar ampe bingung apa kurangnya. Aslik! Pokoknya best decision ever buat milih Five Season dan we highly recommend buat smua yang mau nikah , persiapannya santai, happy, dan bebas stres. Thank you so much buat Ci Grace, Marsya, dan seluruh team FS lainnya yg kita ga bs sebut satu namanya. Thank you soooo much Five Season!!


    Interviewed by Bridestory

    25 June 2024 | Bride at Charissa & Glenno Wedding


    Super helpful, fast response, always come up w/ solutions
    xela axel

    xela axel

    Interviewed by Bridestory

    10 June 2024 | Bride at vitky dan xela Wedding


    SEMPURNA! tepat waktu, ga ada yg salah, ga ada yg komplen dan semuanya happy! <3
    Violetta Ardyan Putri

    Violetta Ardyan Putri

    Interviewed by Bridestory

    25 March 2024 | Bride at Violetta Ardyan Putri & Jordan Christ Mogi Wedding

    Feedback FS

    Dari aku dan pasangan puas banget kerjasama dengan Five seasons dan bersyukur bisa dapat rekomendasi dari rekan kerja soal five seasons. Waktu itu dpt rekom dari ko Fransiscus Stephen Dari venue, decor, mua, souvenir, wed cake kita bs dpt bnyk referensi dari ci ibel. Dan plusnya karena koneksi ci ibel yg luas, even kita bisa dbantu nego ama cicinya, best bangett Lalu aku dan pasangan kan cukup sibuk ya, jadi kadang sering lupa utk handle detail2 vendor. Mantapnya tim fs sering banget fu jd kami juga bs fokus ke wedding H-1 minggu jg smw pic, ortu, bridesmaid ud dikontakin smw biar hari h lancar, even pada saat acara smw pic dari fs yg buat jagain kita juga best smw. On time, koordinasi rapi, ramah, pkoknya mantap Feedback dari keluarga juga senang pakai fs. Thank you fs. Seluruh pihak hepi banget pernah kerjasama bareng, smwnya rapi, dan bs dblg kami tinggal terima jadi wkwkwkw Siap2 aku rekom buat temanku yg mw merit ;)
    Clarisa Casandra

    Clarisa Casandra

    Interviewed by Bridestory

    31 January 2024 | Bride at Clarisa Casandra & Krisna Junio Wedding

    Recomended WO

    Hi Five Season, thank you banget ud jdi part besar dlm acara wedding aku. Semua berjalan lancar & on time banget dengan arahan dr para crew five season. Aku ud tau mau pake wo ini karena sejak aku jd bridesmaid di weddingan tmn ak, ak ska banget cara kerjanya. Bahkan gak cma groom and bridenya aja tp sampe org tua, keluarga, bridesmaid & bahkan oma aku jg semua diperhatikan kebutuhannya. Pst akan aku rekomendasikan ke tmn2 dan fam aku

    Wedding Planning

    Do you plan weddings internationally?
    Yes, We do
    What makes your services unique?
    We are more than Planner or Organizer. We are the Creative one. We will make the concept that represent the couple for their wedding, And we care for every details of the event. Our team is just as excited as the couples are :)
    When was your business established?
    We've been planning and organizing beautiful wedding since 2006.
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The most ideal time would be 6-12 months before the wedding.
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    We serve for any number
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation,  Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Ceremony planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding,  International wedding
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Please reach us at +6281808163700
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    with Additional Accomodation Charges
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    We'll be there from the beginning till the end of your Wedding Rundown :)
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cheques, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    30% for Down Payment and the rest of it at 1 month prior to your Wedding Day
    What service do you provide?
    Day of coordinator, Full planning, Partial planning
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    Vanya Park BSD 12940

    We are a Creative Wedding Planner & Organizer. Consisting of an experienced people in our team, we focus to make a wedding that represent the couple's personality and taste. We love to make an extraordinary yet well organized wedding :)

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