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    VWP Vivace Wedding Planner Review(s)

    6 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    hanny aprilia
    16 July 2024 | Bride at Leo & Hanny Wedding

    Ter De Best !!

    Sooooo, dari awal cari WP/WO untuk wedding resepsi kita berdua, kita langsung klik sewaktu di pameran, dan Ko Yohan sebagai head of everything (owner) sangat bisa menangkap konsep yang kami mau karena kami dari 2 latar belakang yang berbeda jadi konsep dan decoration pun berbeda. kita mengkombinasikan 3 elements yang bisa di bilang tidak terlalu bisa di satukan, tapi berkat ke kreatif an ko yohan and team, dan juga decoration team, OUR DREAM WEDDING CAME TRUE!! we are so grateful and thankful for all of your hardwork, given the time, the energy we put into it, it all paid off!! Kami berdua buta dengan ini semua, tapi they are so thoughtful and guide us from the start till the end and making sure everything is in place. Truthfully, without you guys, none of this will happen. From Project manager to Private Assistant to the small little things, they are fast, attentive, care, and detail. SERIOUSLY VIVACE!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR ALL OF YOUR GUIDANCES and HELP.. LOVE YOU GUYS ALL Sincerely, Leo & Hanny
    27 February 2024 | Bride at Gani & Ines Wedding

    Thankyou VWP !

    ko yohan, ci jeany, ci fanny & seluruh team VWP ! Thank you so mucchhhhh udahh bantuin kita berdua dari wedding prep, sangjit, pemberkatan, tea pai sampai resepsi kmrn. Bersyukur banget bisa ketemu sama VWP ! Very helpfullll , sedetail ituuu di perhatiinnya & full service bangettt 😁👍👍 thank you for the foot massage ! 😂😂 makasiih udah kasih kita banyak bonus2 😁 makasih banyakkkkk udah mempermudah proses persiapan wedding aku sama gani, makasih buat semua PA aku sama gani, bridesmaid groomsmen & kel jugaa buat tetep on time. Makasiih udahhh makesure semuanya berjalan dengan baik, termasuk ngehandle tamu2 VIP. Semuanya berjalan sesuai ekspektasi. Thankyou so muccchhhh 🤍 Maaf kalau aku sama gani / kel ada salah2 baik perkataan / perbuatan yaaaa. Maaf kalau ngerepotinnnn jugaaa. Sukses selaluu yaaa buat VWP ! thank you semuanyaaa.
    danny saputra
    20 March 2023 | Groom at danny&lusia Wedding

    mr & mrs

    thankyou buat ko yohan n team , semua acara berjalan lancar , thankyou udah banyak bantuin kita dr awal acara prewed sampe hari h ❣️ team yg lain juga oke banget smua helpfull dan peka sekali , maaf kl ada salah” kata dr kita 🙇🏼‍♀️ pkknya kita sekeluarga besar puas sm pelayananya vwp♥️
    08 February 2023 | Bride at Richard & Hanny Wedding

    puas pake vendor vivace

    thanks ko yohan n ci fani untuk pelayanan nya yg superr superrr oke banget. ga salah pilih deh pake vivace. smua nya serba di bantu negoo 😁😁 sukses terus buat vivace. Gbu 😇😇
    Levina Olivia
    23 December 2022 | Bride at Kevin dan Levina Wedding

    3 December 2022

    First of all I want to thank Ko Yohan and team yang udh super sabar, gercep, take care kita banget dari awal prepare wedding. Kita banyak banget nanya krn panik, tp team VWP super sabar 🥲 bener bener kekeluargaan banget, care banget sm client, bener bener support apapun yg kita butuhin. kita butuh apa bener bener di bantu sepenuh hati. Request apapun cepet, bisa di ajak diskusi dan tuker pikiran. bener bener helpful banget. thank you so much for amazing service ✨✨ sukses terus VWP!
    Kay Photomotion

    Kay Photomotion

    16 February 2016 | Partnering Vendor at Wedding

    Classy & Unique Entertainment

    I've known this vendor for quite some time. The owner of this vendor really really have a big passion in music and entertainment work. He said to me that this year (2016) they will have something unique that they will offer to the client for their wedding day. If u wanna that concept do not hesitate to contact this vendor

    Entertainment (Music)

    What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
    Orchestra,  Band, Traditional (Chinese, Indonesian, Arabian)
    What music genres do you offer?
    Acoustic,  Big band,  Blues,  Classic rock,  Classical,  Jazz,  R&B/Soul,  International,  Rock,  Orchestra,  Folk,  Pop
    What services do you offer?
    DJ,  Ceremony music,  Instrumentals,  MC,  Reception music,  Rehearsal dinner music,  Vocals,  Audio visuals,  Dance performance,  First dance lessons
    What is the size of your musical ensemble?
    2 pcs sampai dengan 15 pcs
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    Jazz,  Orchestra,  Acoustic
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Do you have your own equipment?
    Sound System & Music Instrument
    Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
    Fog machine,  Gobo projector,  Lighting,  Microphones,  Projector,  Sound/PA system
    Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
    We open for Request
    Apartemen Greenbay Pluit Tower Gardenia - GF / G / 16 Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara - 14450 14450

    As a Premier Wedding Planner and Event Coordination Company on Jakarta - Bali, Vivace Wedding Planner is your one stop shop for your Wedding and Event Coordination. What Do We Do? Creating Extraordinary events is our speciality. Wonderful & Fun Entertainment, Customized themed Decor, VWP delivers resonance to the WOW factor while saving our Clients Valuable time and Money. To Make it Simple and Make it Beautiful Is all the matters for us.

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