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Sisi Wedding Planner Review(s)
58 Review(s), sorted by :
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dr Sofie Syarifa SpD
Interviewed by Bridestory
10 December 2024 | Bride at dr Sofie Syarifa SpD & DR dr Ahmad Adam SpBS Wedding
Terima kasih mbak @Sisi Wedding Planner , telah membantu proses acara berlangsung dari mulai persiapan sampai kemarin akad dan resepsi. the best Mbak Sisi and team

Fajroh Muhalillah
Interviewed by Bridestory
10 December 2024 | Bride at Fajroh Muhalillah & Ergi Wedding
Nemuin @sisiweddingplanner di aplikasi the bridestory , karena aku di OZ nga tahu harus mulai dari mana buat ngurus nikah resmi kita. Eh ternyata team sisi yang paling gercep kontak aku ! Semua hal di urusin sama kak Sisi dan team termasuk KUA dan printilan yg lain, juga vendor2 keren di bandung kak Sisi yg nyaranin.
Pokok nya 99% kak Sisi yg urusin, pelayanan nya sempurna, gercep, cekatan dan semua keluargaku muji banget servisnya Sisi dan team.
Sampai kambing guling team Sisi yang cari dan urus.
Yg paling vital urus administrasi KUA , bener2 secara detail di kasih tahu bahkan waktu nya di kasih tahu terus menerus buat kelarin satu persatu administrasi nya.
@sisiweddingplanner emang udah spesialisasinya deh ngurusin nikahan,
Pokok nya bener2 kita duduk manis aja , tinggal ngomong apa yg kita mau, mereka yg merealisasikan , pokok nya bintang 5 deh.
Oh ya Ni Wo pernah handle perkawinannya Melody JKT 48.
Buat yg nyari weddpland dan Wo.boleh di coba , semua pelayqnan nya detail, peerpect.

Putri Yuliani
Interviewed by Bridestory
15 November 2023 | Bride at Putri Yuliani & M.Choriq Bayhaqi Wedding
Bu Sisi terimakasih banyak ya bu… sangat terbantu & sangat puas dg tim nya bu sisi huhuhu baik dan sabar bgt untuk semua team nya menghadapi kami dan tamu yg barbar :')

Interviewed by Bridestory
05 October 2023 | Bride at Hanny & Benny Wedding
Review Sisi Wedding Organizer
Sisi wedding organizer terutama Ci Sisi adalah wo yang sangat handal. Ci Sisi dapat mengatur waktu sehingga acara sanjit, pemberkatan dan resepsi saya berjalan dengan lancar. Mungkin tanpa bantuan Ci Sisi, tidak akan bisa berjalan semuanya.
Dari mulai make up, gereja, photographer, gown bride, jas groom, venue, dan lainnya bisa diaturkan sesuai budget.
Pokoknya sangat puas kerjasama dengan sisi wo!

Naomi Lafirsta
Interviewed by Bridestory
25 August 2023 | Bride at Naomi & Ridzky Wedding
Nyaman & legaaa
Alhamdulillah semua proses dr awal sampai akhir terasa lancar. Terima kasih banyak mb sisi dari awal pun udah sangat antusias buat membantu semua detail2 yg dibutuhkan. Dan yg penting juga, saya sendiri juga jadi merasa nyaman & gak panik karena sudah trust banget sm mb sisi & team
maaf kalau dari saya juga ada yg salah2 kata atau perbuatan. Semoga mb sisi & team tambah sukses kedepannya yaa

The best service and most humble Wedding Planner and Organizer Team
Awalnya berniat mengurus wedding sendiri, tapi semakin dekat hari-H belum ada progress yang bergerak, jadinya marilah kita cari wo saja 😅 searching2 di platform bridestory, nemu lah Sisi Wedding Planner, baru ngobrol2 chat awal udah sangat ngerti yang kita mau dan bisa mengusahakan dalam waktu lumayan singkat. Dibimbing dengan personal dan tenang, mba Sisi bisa bantu kita untuk step by step langkah yang harus diambil, memilih vendor pun dibebaskan sesuai yang kami mau ga dipaksain harus ini atau itu, sampai hari-H berjalan dengan lancar dan over expectation: beautiful and wonderful! Thank you so much untuk mba Sisi dan semua tim yang terlibat, pada ceria dan bikin kita juga orangtua ga tegang. Semakin sukses ke depannya yaaa, mohon dimaafkan jika selama berkerja sama ada salah kata dan perbuatan, we love you all, God bless you ❤
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Wedding Planning
What service do you provide?
Promo WEDDING PACKAGE ALL IN ONE IN BALI until December 2023
What is your primary expertise?
Mengemas perhelatan pernikahan utk di Bali dari konsep acara,venue, catering, dekorasi, photo, music, Mc dan juga keluarga menjadi satu rangakaian peristiwa yg berkesan,dekat dan tidak terlupakan
What sort of planning do you cover?
memorable moments for wedding couple in Bali...very close and gorgeous
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
yes please contact me by whatsapp and phone number 08170012064
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
50 persons t0 150 persons
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
Bandung , Jakarta, Bali
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
the most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 3 months - 12 months
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
14 hours, include extra charge and additional hours
What makes your services unique?
We dedicated to give a highly personal and top notch service. You can freely customize and pour all your wedding dream concept such as for the venue, catering, decoration, photographer, music entertainment , Master of ceremonial, and the kind of wedding with our suggestion and supervision. It’s a honor to make your dreams come true.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
down payment 10 % after confirmation contract. 2 weeks before D-day, full payment must be paid
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
We entrusted to serviced ther marriages for the military and polices. And we have also ever handles an artist
When was your business established?
My business startted way back in 2011 until now
I want to help each couple to realize their dreams
I want to help to realize the dream of every bride and groom with the funds they have
Jalan Nusasari Utara no 8, Komplek Taman Citereup, Cimahi 40512
Help all couples to plan and execute they wedding dream based on their preferences and optimize the budget. We offer a meticulous and highly personal service encompassing various wedding in Bandung, Jakarta, and Bali. Our expertise extends to both International and Traditional wedding. With a commitment we will ensure all the brides to find the perfect choice without exceeding their desired budget, We are dedicated to providing top notch service. Kindly contact me for more detail of the service
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