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    DoubleTree by Hilton Jakarta - Diponegoro Review(s)

    37 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Stephanie Juanita
    26 October 2023 | Bride at Stefanus & Stepanie Wedding

    Thank you Pak Irwan & the entire DoubleTree team!!

    We stumbled upon DoubleTree unexpectedly and we instantly fell in love! The venue was beautiful, with spacious ballroom, gorgeous garden space and stunning pool area. The penthouse is perfect for a bridal suite, featuring an insanely huge living room area (perfect for hosting your friends post-wedding)! Oh and the fooddddd, we had countless people telling us that food was gonna be great at DoubleTree and we kept our fingers crossed till the food tasting session and oh man, it was even better than what we expected. Everything from the local to the western food selection tasted delicious, salmon en croute and bakwan malang were exceptionally good! Lastly, Pak Irwan and the entire staff are just the epitome of great customer service. Tbh, Pak Irwan was one of the key factor in our decision to proceed with DoubleTree. From the first meeting, he was truly helpful, friendly and was able to clear all of our concerns. We instantly knew that he is the type of person we'd like to have as part of our special day. Through to the end, he tried his best to accommodate to our request and gave genuine advice, ensuring our wedding went as smoothly as possible. All in all, we had a very pleasant experience with DoubleTree and the entire staff, and would be happy to recommend it anyone who's searching for wedding venue ❤️
    Sixth Avenue Entertainment

    Nice Venue

    Nice Venue Team nya profesional dan enak diajak kerja sama Pokoknya top banget deh..................................... See u next event :)
    Christy Winda
    20 December 2019 | Bride at Winda Christy and Kelvin Lam Wedding


    Kayaknya nama yang cocok kayak gini deh. Hahaha. TERIMA KASIH BANYAK CI ELVINA DAN SELURUH EMPLOYEE DI DOUBLETREE. Dari awal urusin wedding dan stress nyari Venue, akhirnya janjian sama banyak Venue liat2 dari BrideStory. Pas baca review di DoubleTree, menarik, banyak yang mention ci Vina. Aku lgsg minta suami utk telfon DoubleTree dan HARUS CARI CI VINA, GAMAU YANG LAIN, HARUS CI VINA !! Akhirnya kita janjian, dan dari smua venue yang udh kita bikin janji, kita utamain visit DoubleTree duluan. Aku dan suami belum pernah ke DoubleTree jadi bener2 gatau kek apa dan gmana disana. Pas baru dateng, okayyy suka. Pas masuk, SUKA BANGET, aku bener2 berdebar2 (lebay, tp emg bener, kayak perasaan euphoria). Aku lgsg bilang sama suami, KITA HARUS WEDDING DISINI. Dan kata suami aku : IYA, KITA HARUS WEDDING DISINI. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.\n\nAbis itu ketemu sama ci Vina cantik dan baik seperti ibu peri. Itu lah awal kita ketemu ci Vina dan jatuh cinta sama DoubleTree. Semua janji sama venue lain lgsg di cancel, udh gamau compare lagi, krna hati sudah sangat sreg dengan DoubleTree by Elvina Jesslyn.\nHotel bagus dan marketing bagus, paket sempurna!\n\nAcara aku berjalan sangat lancar dari pagi sampai malam smua karena dari pihak DoubleTree dan WO aku Finest Organizer sangat menjaga suasana supaya sll happy. Selain WO yang nempel terus sama aku, beberapa employee di DoubleTree juga memperhatikan aku disaat aku lumayan lelah, namanya Andy, keliatan banget kalau org kerjanya tulus ikhlas tuh beda deh! Aku di bawain Iced Lemon Tea abis lepasin balon, makasih mas Andy, tau aja abis panas2an. yang lain2 juga yang aku ngga sempet liat nametag nya, kalian luar biasa!\n\nSeluruh tamu dari keluarga besar dan teman2 pada muji betapa keren acaranya (by Finest WO), dekornya (WhitePearl) dan VENUE DAN MAKANANNYA ENAK BANGET (BY DOUBLETREE). Jujur aja aku ngerasa makanannya enak banget dari appetizer sampe dessert. Cake nya JUARA ENAKNYA. Dan juga cookies DoubleTree! Itu favorit sekeluarga!! Hahahahhaa.\n\nKalau aku mau nulis lengkap, ngga akan ada habisnya pujian aku utk DoubleTree dan Ci Vina, yang pasti, kalau kalian wedding disini, kalian ngga akan nyesel. Aku bangun dari jam 00.00 dan tdr jam 01.00 (25 jam tanpa tdr) ngga capek sama skali krna kebahagiaan aku krna vendor2 ini mengalahkan rasa capek aku. Dan pas aku masuk kamar udah di sediain champagne dan cake2 lucu, macaron, duh banyak deh 1 meja!!! Itu bikin aku bener2 happy, surprised dan semangat lagi. Gila gada abis2nya bikin gue happy nih Ci Vina dan DoubleTree. besoknya juga wkt breakfast ci Vina bikin aku happy lagi (rahasia) hahahahahahaa.\n\nPokoknya, ci Vina, I love you full. DoubleTree keknya ngga akan sekeren ini tanpa ci Vina. Kita harus ketemu lagi di lain waktu!! Smoga ci Vina dan keluarga selalu dilindungi oleh Tuhan dan diketemuin dengan orang2 yang baik. Amin. God Bless You Ci Vina dan smua team DoubleTree. Aku dan Kelvin bener2 sebahagia dan sebersyukur itu ketemu kalian. Love!!!
    Leo Shine
    19 December 2019 | Groom at Leo & Meylinda Wedding

    Disney Wedding

    Awal kami mencari vanue 2 tahun sebelum kami merried di tahun 2019 , dan kami akhirnya menemukan vanue yang seusuai dengan budget kami , dari fasilitas gedung , makanan dan service tidak ada yang mengecewakan semuanya bekerja sesuai profesional. Tempat yang disediakan cukup besar hingga bisa menampung maksimal 1000 orang. Tamu kami yang undang semuanya bahagia .Nice service , perfect!
    Sanovia San
    09 December 2019 | Bride at Rionaldo & Sanovia Wedding

    The Best !

    Venue terbaik dan ngga salah pilih. Tempat bagus dan nyaman banget. Makanan, semua tamu bilang enak banget. Dan khusus buat Elvina Jesslyn : love you, you give the best for all. We are really feel lucky to have you. Thank you very much
    Astrid Make Up Artist

    Astrid Make Up Artist

    09 December 2019 | Bride at Andi & Astrid Wedding


    Waktu awal aku dan pasanganku survey venue ke Open Resto @Double Tree, kita berdua lgsg jatuh cinta bgt sm ambience venue dan marketing nya yg super ramah, profesional dan helpful: ci Vina 😍❤️ Ga butuh waktu lama utk kami sepakat decide utk adain private wedding kami disini.. Dari interiornya, suasananya, bahkan pohon dan taman outdoor pool side nya bener2 cantik 😍👍🏻 Dari awal dealing, meeting layout, test food, technical meeting sampai hari H, ci Vina dan team Open Resto bener2 super helpful dan cepat tanggap bgttt sm smua kebutuhan2 kami.. Apa yg kami mau, mrk pasti berusaha bgt bwt bantu utk wujudkan sesuai keinginan dan harapan kami.. Dan sampai saat hari H kami banyak mendapat feedback dr tamu2 kami, makanan Open Resto enak banget, dan servicenya pun memuaskan skali 👍🏻 Ga ada penyesalan sedikitpun dr kami memilih Open Resto @Double Tree.. Semua bs berjalan dgn baik sesuai harapan kami, salah satunya berkat bantuan ci Vina & team yg luar biasa 😊👍🏻 Open Resto is a PERFECT choice if you're looking for a beautiful private wedding venue in Jakarta! 😘❤️ We'll surely recommend this place to our families & friends! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


    What activities are suitable in this venue?
    Religious ceremony,  Reception, Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception, Tea Pay, Traditional Ceremonies, Engagement Party, Birthday Party, Anniversary Celebration
    What type of other services do you also provide?
    Guest accommodation,  Catering,  Honeymoon
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    What types of cuisine does your venue specialize in?
    Asian, Indonesian - ,  International Cuisine,  Chinese
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    What type of venue(s) do you offer?
    Banquet hall/ ballroom,  Pool,  Hotel
    What settings does your venue provide?
    Indoor,  Outdoor not covered, Pool Side
    Please describe more details on the venues that you have
    Our pillar-less Makara Ballroom features 8 meter high ceiling, beautifully crafted chandelier, spacious pre-function area covered with floor to ceiling glass wall and direct access to our Makara Garden from the ballroom foyer. Right beside our large lagoon shaped swimming pool can accommodate up to 150 guests standing reception. A resort style venue unlike any other in Central Jakarta
    Do you allow outside catering?
    Do you allow outside liquor?
    Is there handicap access?
    What makes your services unique?
    One of the newest wedding venue in the city, DoubleTree by Hilton Jakarta - Diponegoro offers tasty cuisines, selection of indoor and outdoor venues and flexible service with the world famous Hilton Hospitality
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The most ideal time for the client to contact is between 6 - 12 months ins advance. However, we have successfully arranged wedding bookings as short as one month prior to the wedding day
    What is your payment terms?
    Initial deposit starting from Rp 50,000,000 is required within 7 days after the signing of the agreement. Final payment is required by 30 days prior to the wedding day, at the latest. Flexible payment between initial deposit and final payment can be discussed with our wedding specialist
    When was your business established?
    DoubleTree by Hilton Jakarta - Diponegoro just opened in June 2014
    Do you offer an onsite wedding consultant?
    Is there any corkage fee?
    Do you offer valet parking?
    Do you have liability insurance?
    Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 17 Cikini - Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10310

    A 5-star international hotel providing one of the largest hotel’s swimming pool in Jakarta

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