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    Youth Wedding Review(s)

    25 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    14 July 2024 | Bride at synthia & raka Wedding

    honest review

    makasih banyak buat youth wedding, udah nemenin aku h-1 tahun masa.. sabar banget aku ingin ini itu hehe, bisa sesuaikan dengan budget ku, selalu ada kapan butuh & siap sedia, pas hari H juga akang teteh nya baik2 banget, dan ramah2, dan aku suka bgt acara berjalan sesuai rencana dan ON TIME!! no ngaret guys!! udah 2x pake youth wedding, 1x teteh ku, dan 1x lagi ini sama aku. BESTTTTT POKOKNYAA, tidak mengecewakan, terbaik a reza dan team❤️❤️ sarangeeee!!! sukses selalu yaa temen2 youth wedding🥰🥰 smga makin banyak client nyaa 😍😍
    septie damayanti
    01 July 2024 | Bride at Septie & Gian Wedding

    BEST WO in Bandung !!!

    dari yang awalnya buta banget soal menuju pernikahan akhirnya diberi pencerahan ini itu, banyak sekali sampai menuju hari H. dari mulai perbudgetan, resiko atau pun hal hal apa aja yg biasanya terjadi di hari H nya. so far enjoy banget TIM nya . parahhh asik banget sih ngebantu nya banyak banget . pokoknya rugi kalo ga milih Youth Wedding 🌸✨
    19 June 2024 | Bride at Desi & Steven Wedding

    The best wedding organizer on our day, May 18, 2024

    Tim ini sangat helpfull, komunikatif & detail banget, so happy to have you, guys! Terimakasih banyak ya, sukses terus, sehat selalu, dan jadi berkat dimanapun berada ya guys 🙏🏻😇💐💐🥂
    acyntha aqhira
    07 May 2024 | Bride at Cintha & Opim Wedding

    Best WO for wedding dream

    Sooo happy bisa pake YOUTH WEDDING buat wedding aku yg super dadakan bgt kemarin,WO yg super komunikatif dan bnr bnr ngebantu segalanya jd mudah. Cm 1 bulan persiapan tp alhamdulillah acaranya sukses dan lancar,semua team dr YOUTH wedding ga cuma super gesit dan jg GOOD LOOKING.. Gabisa review banyak tp thanks YOUTH WEDDING dah bantu suksesin acara aku❤️💗🫶🏻🥺
    04 May 2024 | Bride at Aceng&siti Wedding


    Youth Wedding ? GILA keren parah tolong, persiapan nikah ku serba dadakan bangettttt, tp team Youth wedding bisa handle persiapan weddingku dengan detail dan sempurna, pdhl sblmnya aku bleng mau acara nikahan kaya gmn, konsep sperti apa. Tp setelah hari H luar biasa puas banget, smpe bnyak yg tanya tntang vendor yg aku ambil... terimaksih bnyak youth wedding Sukses Selalu ✨ jaya jaya jaya 🤭
    Rizki Adhikurnia
    27 January 2024 | Groom at Hilda Wedding

    Dreams come trueee✨

    Sesuai judul diatas, our dreams come truee berkat Youth Wedding WO😍 Literally yang puas banget kerjasama bareng sm Youth Wedding. Dari awal persiapan kita bener-bener diarahin dan diinfoin tentang semua hal, mulai dari venue, vendor sampe ke prosesi acara. Super teliti dan no miss kalo sama Youth Wedding. Pokoknya puas banget sama Youth Wedding dan thankyou so much for all of you guyss, Youth Wedding keren abissss✨

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Full planning, Partial planning, For other portofolio you can check my instagram account on, Day of coordinator
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Budget preparation
    What is your primary expertise?
    Traditional Wedding (Especially Sundanese Culture), Intimate wedding
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Of course if you have a wedding dream, feel free to discuss ☺️
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    100 persons to 2000 persons
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Bandung, Jakarta and others
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 3 months - 12 months
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    9 hours, with extra charge for additional hours
    What makes your services unique?
    We always serve client as a special client, no wonder because every client have a wedding dreams. And we can make it ☺️
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    2019, we served “Lalahuta” guest star.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    Down payment 10% after confirmation contract, and full payment 2 weeks before the wedding day
    When was your business established?
    Our business start since 2017, a first name before Youth Wedding is Katanya Wedding Organizer
    Komp. Margahayu Raya Jl. Jupiter Barat XII Blok M2 No. 35 40286

    We are wedding organizer since 2017, and we can arrange what do you need for your wedding dreams. And let’s plan your favourite wedding with us

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.