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    Preciosa Wedding Review(s)

    60 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    hendra  sienny
    09 July 2024 | Client at Hendra & Sienny Wedding

    Preciosa Keren Sekaliii

    Terimakasih untuk preciosa, Sienny dan saya sangat senang sekali, dari awal meeting pertama sampai hari ini selesai semua berjalan lancar, wo nya keren2 dan ramahh, decorannya lebih bagus dari design nyaa, dan semua vendor2 nya sangat profesional dan keren sekalii! tidak lupa juga untuk Ballroom Neo Soho lt.9 nya, sebelum di decor sudah keren, setelah di decor makin lebih kerenn... saya rekomendasikan untuk yg berencana menikah untuk memakai Preciosa ^^ Thank you untuk WO, Rifka dan juga Ko Franky, kami sangat senang dengan Preciosa, semua raamah dan professional
    Alvin Wella
    09 July 2024 | Groom at Alvin & Wella Wedding

    The Best dehh Preciosa

    Halo kita dari Alvin Wella, Kita pake preciosa & team, pengalaman kita pake preciosa memuaskan dari awal sampai akhir sangat membantu banget, dari segi team, dekor, wo dan vendor vendor lainnya memuaskan, Thankyou Preciosa
    Ian & Angelina
    09 July 2024 | Bride at Ian & Angelina Wedding

    Preciosa Terbaikkkk

    Kita dari Ian & Angelina mau bilang Thank you ya buat team preciosa Ara and ko franky udah sigap dari awal jelasin detail2 paket nya kek gimana. Dan sampe akhir pun tidak ada miskom ✨❤️ lancar2 ya buat kaliann sukses terus,terus berkembang, venue nya makin banyakkk 🙏🏻 Sorry juga klo ian dan angel ada salah kata or perbuatan ya.🙏 maap jg klo gw banyak mau nya hahaahaha 😂😂 tp kalian uda wujudkan semua kemauan kuuuuuu lup u allll ❤️❤️❤️. Buat ko dd, thank u bangetttttt dekorr nya. Sesuai ekspetasi ku bangetï🥰, ko dd juga da paham mau nya angel kek gimana, meskipun konsep dekor yg aku mau agak aneh2 yaaaa.. koko tetep wujudin semua nya.. the best 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Semua tamu foto-foto di segala sisi dekornya kemarin ahhaa dan semua bilang bagus , jarang nih kek gini dekor .. sekali lg thank you bgt ya ko dd ✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️ and Buat ci nata and team maaaci yaaa da bantuu assist dr sblm hari h sampe skrg wkwkwkw org2 nya cepet tanggap semuaaa , apa lg ci nata yg aturin semua ny klo aku ada perubahan dr segi rundown di hari h, Trus jg pas ad yg kendala roti gara2 ujanï,lgsung cepet cari solusi nya biar roti nya cepetan sampe di ballroom .. keren dehh. Kek kemarin ak ga mikir ajaa gitu. Serahin semua deh ke wo wkwkw da saking percaya nya. Maacii yaaaa team sukses vendor kuuuuu tanpa kalian sih acara wedding ku dan ian. Ga akan semeriah dan se happy ini. God Bless You all yahh ❤️✨ Pokoknya misalkan kalo kalian mau nikah ni, ini the best banget vendornya, Kalian harus coba pokoknya, siippp Thankyou Preciosa beserta vendor-vendornya ✨❤️✨❤️
    03 July 2024 | Bride at Rendy & Widya Wedding

    Preciosa THE BEST ONE

    Kami dari RENDY & WIDYA terima kasih kepada preciosa sebagai wo kami, kami merasa sangat puas sekali kepada preciosa & tim, Secara keseluruhan kami menilai acara pernikahan yg dimanage under Preciosa sudah sangat perfect, serta kami dan tamu undangan semuanya sangat happy, acara sangat meriah dan tamu undangan jg enjoy menikmati suasana dekorasi, lighting, santap makan serta hiburan yg disajikan. Kedepan kami akan merekomendasikan Preciosa ke teman2 kami sebagai referensi apabila ada teman2 yang mau mencari paket pernikahan. Kami juga mohon maaf apabila ada sesuatu yg tidak berkenan dari kami yang tidak kami sengaja atau sadari. Sekali lagi kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih buat Preciosa dan seluruh team, youre all the best one. Tetap keep in touch ya.
    27 June 2024 | Groom at Niko & Syerin Wedding

    Thank You Preciosa

    Jujur keren banget buat dekorasinya,, dari awal di handle,, technical meeting semua dibantu banget. Pokoknya maju terus preciosa,, good luck tapi yang pasti the best banget dekorasinya,, semua orang pada muji.
    Matthew Thalia
    26 June 2024 | Bride at Matthew & Thalia Wedding

    Preciosa sungguh luar biasa!!

    Saya dari awal pilih vendor, kita selalu lihat dari review. Di sini kita lihat kalau reviewnya selalu bagus dan waktu pertama kali ketemu sama ko dd, saya lihat orangnya care banget, karena bikin catetan yang detail. Untuk general meeting juga di jelasin satu satu secara detail. Semuanya dipikirin sampai yang terkecil. Ketika hari H speechless. Care banget kayak keluarga. tidak pernah miss satupun. Preciosa bener bener kayak my big family. Jadi seneng banget dan Tuhan memberkati semua usaha preciosa. Terus sukses dan saya percaya apa yang kalian kerjakan menjadi berkat bagi banyak orang, membuat mereka bahagia seperti saya. Terima Kasih Preciosa


    What activities are suitable in this venue?
    What settings does your venue provide?
    Please describe more details on the venues that you have
    We exclusively managed 4 Wedding Ballrooms in Jakarta: Neo Soho 9th Floor, Neo Soho 29th Floor, Kuningan City Ballroom, Vitra Ballroom and also offer other venues wedding packages
    What type of venue(s) do you offer?
    Hotel, Banquet hall/ ballroom
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    200 to 2000 persons
    Do you offer an onsite wedding consultant?
    What types of cuisine does your venue specialize in?
    Japanese,  Thai,  Chinese,  Korean,  International Cuisine,  French,  Local,  American,  Asian,  Indonesian - ,  Italian
    Do you allow outside catering?
    Do you allow outside liquor?
    Is there any corkage fee?
    What type of other services do you also provide?
    Guest accommodation,  Wedding Cake, Decoration,  Catering,  Entertainment,  Flowers,  Hair & makeup,  Photography,  Videography
    Do you offer valet parking?
    Is there handicap access?
    Do you have liability insurance?
    What makes your services unique?
    At Preciosa Wedding, we transform weddings into timeless tales of love and sophistication. Nestled in the heart of Jakarta, we proudly manage four enchanting ballrooms, each a canvas for crafting unforgettable moments. We believe it's the small details that make a wedding truly memorable. From meticulously arranged floral displays to customized culinary delights, we leave no stone unturned in perfecting every nuance of your special day.
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The most ideal time for a booking is one year before.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    30 million Down Payment, 10% one month after DP, 15% 3 months after DP, 25% 6 months after DP, 25% 9 months after DP, Final Payment one month before Wedding
    When was your business established?
    We have been in the Wedding Industry since 2010 with experience handling more than 1,000 couples
    Wedding Planning

    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Detailed task checklist,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Ceremony planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    We, speak English
    What is your payment terms?
    DP (Down Payment) : 30 million for Booking Venue and Wedding Package 2nd Payment : 10% : 1 month after DP 3 rd Payment : 15% : 3 months after DP 4th Payment : 25% : 6 months after DP 5th Payment : 25% : 9 months after DP Final Payment : 25% minus DP : 30 days before Wedding Day
    What service do you provide?
    Day of coordinator, Partial planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    Grand wedding,  International wedding ,  Cultural wedding , Intimate wedding
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    200 to 2,000 persons
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    One year before
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    14 hours
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Credit card payment, Bank transfer
    When was your business established?
    We have been in the Wedding Industry since 2010 and handled more than 1,000 couples
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    What makes your services unique?
    Jl. Katleya Asri 1, Perum. Metland Puri Blok G1 no. 29, Petir, Cipondoh 15147

    Quality Wedding for Precious Couples Neo Soho CP @neosohoballroom | Skenoo @preciosa_skenooballroom | @vitraballroom | @kuningancityballroom

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.