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    DH4405 by Jeestudio IdDH4405 by Jeestudio Id
    DH4405 by Jeestudio IdDH4405 by Jeestudio Id
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    DH4302 by Jeestudio IdDH4302 by Jeestudio Id
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    DH4403 by Jeestudio IdDH4403 by Jeestudio Id
    DH4403 by Jeestudio IdDH4403 by Jeestudio Id
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    DH4201 by Jeestudio IdDH4201 by Jeestudio Id
    DH4201 by Jeestudio IdDH4201 by Jeestudio Id
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    TH2402 by Jeestudio IdTH2402 by Jeestudio Id
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    TH2301 by Jeestudio IdTH2301 by Jeestudio Id
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    TL2402 by Jeestudio IdTL2402 by Jeestudio Id
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    TL2701 by Jeestudio IdTL2701 by Jeestudio Id
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    Jeestudio Id Review(s)

    80 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Florencia Halim
    14 February 2025 | Bride at Ricky & Florencia Wedding


    OMG 🎉 seneng banget ketemu Jeestudio lewat Bridestory. Koleksi hairpiece nya super cakep-cakep sampe aku juga bingung buat milihnya 🤭 tapi untung ada duo cici yang bisa bikin aku tenang & akhirnya bisa menentukan hairpiece yg akan aku pakai buat sangjit, pemberkatan & resepsi 😬 Hairpiece sangjit nya sih keren banget 👍🏻 cetar membahana, semua keluarga yg datang ke sangjit ku muji hairpiece nya bagus & unik. Diamond hairband buat pemberkatan sih bling bling maksimal. Simple tapi tetep keliatan cetar nya. Super cocok buat pemberkatan. MUA ku aja sampai terkagum-kagum sama hairband nya. Cakep puooolll 🫶🏻 Crown buat resepsi sih nggak usah diragukan lagi deh. BLING BLING to the max 🥰 semuanya bener-bener pada muji. Keluarga sampai temen-temen semua bilang bagus, elegant nggak lebay sama sekali 👍🏻 bling nya dapet banget. Kesorot lampu making bling 😍 suka banget!!!! Thank you duo cici kembar yg udah bantuin aku milih hairpiece yg sesuai buat aku & keluarga ku 🫶🏻
    26 July 2019 | Bride at Rupesh & Cindy Wedding

    Ring Bearer Super Indah

    Iseng2 liat ring bearer dan lsg jatuh cinta sama ring bearer nya Jee Studio. Owner nya ramah banget, quick respon, dan super pengertian. Pas ring bearer nya sampe tepat sesuau dugaan kalo ring bearer nya bagus banget. Thankyou Jee Studio 😘

    Vendor Reply

    27 July 2019
    Hello, dear ! Thank you for your kind words. It's our pleasure to make your dream ring bearer comes true. Good luck for your wedding preparation. All the best for you and your soon-to-be-husband. thank you for choosing Jeestudio as your ring bearer maker.
    24 July 2019 | Client at Raisa and doni Wedding

    review ring bearer buatan jeestudio

    Pertama kali chat untuk pesan : cepat, ramah, responsif, dan bisa langsung merasa \"klik\" dgn jawaban2nya..\nDetail pemesanannya juga pas dan hasilnya juga sesuai sama yg dimau..\nTanggal pemesanan/pengirimannya jg sesuai dgn detail pemesanan yg sudah disepakati sblmnya..\nMakasih uda jadi bagian kecil pernikahan kakak saya 😊

    Vendor Reply

    25 July 2019
    Hello , Dear ! Thank you so much for your kind words . it's such a pleasure for us to be part of your sister's happy day . We're beyond happy to hear that you like our creation . Hope your sister and her partner like it too . :)
    Karen Chikagetsuki
    15 April 2019 | Bride at Ana dan Didan Wedding

    Responsive dan keindahan pengerjaan

    Pertama kali melihat wadah cincin di Jee Studio aku berpikir : \"wah cantiknya...\" dan memang sudah jadi niat ingin membeli wadah cincin disini saat pernikahan. Sayangnya, persiapan membuat aku nyaris lupa untuk memesan dari jauh hari dan malah memesan dalam waktu seminggu sebelum hari H. Awalnya aku panik dan siap kecewa apabila request custom sudah tidak bisa. Alhamdulillah, respon yang aku dapatkan malah sungguh luar biasa. Pihak Jee Studio bersedia membuatkan Ring Bearer tetap dengan apa yang kuharapkan dan cepat. Tema Ring Bearer Rustic yang dibuat sangat cantik dan indah. Aku sangat berterima kasih... 💕

    Vendor Reply

    18 April 2019
    Hello , Dear ! Thank you so much for your kind words . it's such a pleasure for us to be part of your happy day . despite limited time given by you , we still paid a thorough attention to make your ring bearer to be one of a kind . and we're beyond happy to hear that you like our creation . :)
    inez faustina
    22 February 2019 | Bride at Herry & Inez Wedding

    Responsive & picture perfect

    Vendor sangat responsif & membuat ring bearer sesuai dengan keinginan . Love everything about the details. Thank you so much :)

    Vendor Reply

    22 February 2019
    Hello , dear ! Thank you for your kind words . We’re glad to have you as one of our client . All the best for you and your partner ☺️
    Tjung Yunita
    17 January 2019 | Bride at Andi & Yunita Wedding

    Petite Pentagon Ring Bearer

    Pelayanannya ramah banget. Dan setiap detailnya bener2 sweet dan sesuai sama yang aku mau. Pengiriman juga sesuai dengan yg dijanjikan. 😊 thankyou jees

    Vendor Reply

    19 January 2019
    Hello , Dear . Thank you for your kind words . It's such a pleasure too for having you as our client . :) and we're very happy to hear that you like our ring bearer . Wish all the best for you and your husband .

    Others (Unique Services)

    What services do you offer?
    We offer all brides-to-be our one of a kind wedding crown amd sangjit hair accessories. Not only that, we also can help you to make ring bearer, decorative pen, boutonniere, as well as bridesmaid gift box.
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    1 or 2 MONTHS prior your D-Day
    What makes your product and services unique?
    We only make ONE DESIGN for ONE CLIENT. So, we are proud to say that we always make one of a kind ring bearer for our clients even with limited time given.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, PayPal
    What is your payment terms?
    Full payment
    When was your business established?
    First, we start our business as handmade fashion jewelry maker back in 2015 and in the mid of 2016, we're interested to make wedding essentials too.
    How can I reach Jeestudio Id?
    WhatsApp : +6281934128883 OR Instagram :

    We are here to help all brides-to-be to fulfill their dreams of having one of a kind wedding essentials needed such as wedding crown, sangjit hair accessories, ring bearer, boutonniere, money box, etc as pretty as we can. We're ready to help you fulfill your dream wedding ~ Contact us : WhatsApp : +6281934128883 IG :

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.