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    Kiaora Invitation Review(s)

    14 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Jessica Budiman
    19 February 2024 | Bride at Kevin & Jessica Wedding

    We are so in love with our invitations!

    Setelah cari sana-sini, we glad we decided to choose Kiaora Invitation. Diawali dari referensi temen, terus ke workshopnya untuk liat portfolionya (even boleh bawa pulang beberapa sample untuk kasih liat family), we decided to work with Kiaora and they definitely did not disappoint. Dari pertama dikasih 2 opsi design, kita langsung klop dan cuma perlu adjust minor. Ci Anita was really helpful and generous with us, she even gave us some of the invitation design components to share with our souvenir vendor. Thank you so much Kiaora for making our invitations and holy matrimony books!
    Yeyen Hardiyanti
    17 December 2021 | Bride at Yeyen & Rama Wedding

    Wedding Invitation Yeyen & Rama

    Hampir nyerah, udah capek bgt chat vendor sana sini tp hasilnya nihil karna banyak vendor yg nolak aku soalnya waktunya pernikahanku sudah mepet dan sudah full sampe akhir tahun. Searching” Bridestory lagi deh sampe elek akhir nya nemuin Kiaora dia bagaikan malaikat penolong buat aku. Dan aku exited bgt sama hasil wedding invitation nya bagusss bgt simple dan mewah, ga nyesel deh pokoknya bikin undangan disini… Thankyouuu so muchhh for being part of our wedding, luphluph❤️
    julia handaya
    15 December 2021 | Bride at Randy & Julia Wedding

    wedding invitation randy&julia

    Berawal dari search instagram dengan hashtag #weddinginvitation, ketemu dengan kiaora ini. dari awal lihat profile nya udah langsung suka. langsung deh chat wa ngobrol dengan ci anita. walopun sempat nanya2 dengan vendor lain ttg harga dan design, tapi pilihan akhir tetep sm kiaora, design warna nya itu yg kita mau banget. elegant simple bahan kertas hasil print itu oke banget banget. thanks ci anita. love banget sm hasilnyaa!!
    ayu kotten
    20 August 2021 | Bride at Ayu dan Igap Wedding

    Pawiwahan Ayu dan Igap

    Awalnya ga berniat buat undangan fisik karena mikirnya nikahan pandemi apa-apa serba digital, tapi ternyata ga semua tamunya ngerti pake undangan digital haha akhirnya browsing di Bridestory dan menemukan Kiaora. Seneng banget liat portfolionya cakep-cakep dan simpel tapi terkesan mewah. Super ngerepotin (bolak balik revisi) karena ga banyak vendor yang bisa buat undangan nikahan Bali dengan aksara Balinya itu but you nailed it, Kiaora! Seneng banget sama hasil akhirnya, super cantik dan elegan tapi tetep simpel. Puas banget! Terima kasih banyak yaa :D
    18 December 2020 | Bride at Jervian dan Grace Wedding

    Wedding Invitation Jervian n Grace

    Thankyou so much buat Ci Anita, yang super helpful, super humble, ramah banget, trs asik buat diajak tukar pikiran apalagi soal design undangan.. Awalnya cari2 vendor undangan, liat2 di IG, banyakkkk bgt sebenernya vendor2 undangan itu.. tapiii akhirnya memilih Kiaora Invitation ♡♡♡ .. harganya affordable bangeettt, terjangkau dan super excited hasilnya memuaskannn.. Model design di IG memang blm terlalu banyak, tapi kita bisa custom ke Ci Anita utk dibuat serupa dengan referensi dr kita.. bahkan Ci Anita dengan senang hati bisa revisi2 selama blm naik cetak.. Hasilnya bener2 sesuai ekspetasi.. bhkn dluar ekspetasi sih.. krn hasilnya bener2 bagus bgt, rapi bgt,.. pokoknya loveeee bgt , suka.. Thankyou so much Ci.. sukses terus Kiaora Invitation ♡♡
    02 December 2019 | Bride at Suharto & Kezia Wedding

    Our Favorite Wedding Vendor

    The invitations are beautiful and exactly what we wanted. Anita was responsive and helpful. She helped even more when we suddenly needed Mandarin Version and our family is so happy with the results. The invitations are great quality and I have gotten tons of compliments from friends. Overall, this has been one of our favorite vendors to work with so far. Thank you Kiaora and Anita.


    Do you provide catalog or custom products?
    We are custom made our design according to each client's preferences and style. Futhermore, we are also welcome to help on the printing aspect only if they their own design.
    What services do you include in your package?
    Design, Printing, Assembly
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    What other services do you offer?
    Packaging Box for souvenir, Printing service,  Thank you cards,  Menu,  Cards,  Gifts
    Do you use any special technology or technique?
    Foil, Embossed and Debossed
    What design styles do you specialize in?
    Classic elegant, Modern minimalist, Floral, Calligraphy and Watercolours
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    2 months in advance would be great
    What makes your services unique?
    We are designing and producing beautiful invitations for your wedding with affordable prices.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer

    Kiaora Invitation is a design studio who offer customized wedding invitations to match your personal style to find the perfect invitation for your big day. We are passionate and dedicated people to supplying truly beautiful wedding invitation & stationery design. We also provide printing services for stationery, company goods (flyers, brochures, books, calendars, notebooks, ...)

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