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    Kami Paperie Review(s)

    64 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    02 June 2024 | Client at Fellia & Anton Wedding

    Ga sopan

    Bridestory 2 june PIM3, saya tanya2 mengenai harga & design, pas saya merasa mahal & bilang ke pasangan secara privasi sama dia dinyautin “klo mau gtu newbie2 aja karna emg rata2 harga sgitu” dalam catatan diulang2 ga sekali ngomong. kan prefrensi harga tiap pasangan beda, saya juga ga komplain ke km knapa harga sgitu. kenapa harus sesombong itu jawab nya. & awal2 cuma pegang display yang dipajang aja udah dicut bilang “bukan bgitu, keepsake ga bisa sebagus itu” ya kan pengen liat kertas & design nya. ga ada attitude nya, ngomong sambil duduk suara kenceng2. karyawan ny tolong di training lg.
    Gio Fanny Andrian Lianata
    31 October 2022 | Bride at Michael & Gio Wedding


    Thank you Kami Paperie team We’ve only been communicating via whatsapp, given the urgent deadline. I gave my trust for the finishing details to them, not knowing the final design till I open the package a few days before our wedding… and lo and behold it came out just like what I’ve imagined it to be. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    Vendor Reply

    31 October 2022
    Thank you so much gio ♥️♥️♥️
    Jane Lorens
    31 October 2022 | Bride at Brian & Jane Wedding

    Best decision!

    Right from the very first start, ci Kim & ci Mia have been very accommodating & amazing with us. Invitation is one of the important vendors, everything needs to be detailed to perfection as it is the first impression received by the guests. I can assure you'll be in good hands if you are with Kami paperie. We love our design! They handled everything so professional, smooth and punctual. Best decision. Thanks ci Kim & ci Mia.

    Vendor Reply

    31 October 2022
    Thank you so much Jane ♥️♥️♥️♥️
    Nabila Hanifa Fauzia
    30 October 2022 | Bride at Nabila & Naufal Wedding

    Thank you!

    happyyy bgt bisa berjodoh dgn Kami Paperie! design dan hasilnya bagus bgt, sesuai dengan yg kami mau. team Kami Paperie sangat komunikatif selalu menanyakan mau ku seperti apa, dan selalu kasih ide untuk yg terbaiknya seperti apa. thank you so much kak! ❤️❤️❤️

    Vendor Reply

    30 October 2022
    Thank you so much Nabila ♥️♥️♥️
    Silvia Salim
    19 July 2022 | Bride at Silvia & Felix Wedding

    Love it !!

    Overall I'm impressed with the great quality and beautiful keepsake. Love the design, handmade paper and materials used, calligraphy, and awesome illustration (especially the custom watercolour of my pet illustrations). Amazing vendor!! :)

    Vendor Reply

    19 July 2022
    Thank you Sil! Its been a pleasure to be a part of your big day ♥️🙏🏻
    Ayuri Nabilah
    07 July 2022 | Bride at Ayuri & Dheas Wedding

    Ayuri & Family

    Sejak awal sy mencari vendor undangan fisik, KAMI Paperie termsk vendor yg fast respon dlm hal komunikasi. Setelah kami sepakat utk konsep & detail lainnya, sy visit kantor KAMI Paperie utk selanjutnya menentukan bahan envelope & bahan detail lainnya. Selain pilihan2 bahan yg lengkap, sy jg diberikan referensi berupa model2 envelope lainnya sbg acuan dan perbandingan tiap bahan yg disediakan. Memang, di tengah progres desain sudah disepakati & envelope sudah on progres cetak. Sy sempat dapet kabar yg cukup mendadak bagi sy, bahwa bahan yg sblmnya udh sepakati ternyata tidak kunjung ready bahannya. Hal itu membuat KAMI Paperie memberikan ajuan alternatif lain sbg penggantinya. Menurut sy, dlm pekerjaan manapun, kadang error sulit dihindari (meski sudah berusaha dicegah), but what I appreciate most for KAMI Paperie is that they instantly helped me by sending their master envelope samples so I didn't have to re-visit their office again (lokasi rumah saya ke kantor KAMI Paperie cukup jauh). Thank god, sy menemukan alternatif pengganti & bahannya ready. & as for the result, it turned very great! I love the design, the layout, the color, the texture. It blends in 1 design envelope. Thank you KAMI Paperie. Smg kalian terus maju! Diberkati terus kalian & team.

    Vendor Reply

    08 July 2022
    Thank you so much Ayuri! It’s been a pleasure to be a part of your big day 🙏🏻♥️


    Do you provide catalog or custom products?
    Everything is custom made from scratch to your desire
    What services do you include in your package?
    Cuztomized invitation design, Printing, Assembling your bespoke invitation, Red Envelope, Holy Matrimony Books, Vow Books, Wax Seal
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    We have shipping affiliate to Singapore and Australia. For other cities in Indonesia several shipping options are available
    Do you provide delivery services for the invitations?
    Delivery services is upon clients request and delivery fees will be borne by clients
    Do you ship worldwide?
    We can ship everywhere around the world
    What other services do you offer?
    Printing service,  Thank you cards,  Guestbooks,  Menu,  Cards, Wax stamping and Calligraphy,  Decorations,  Album,  Gifts
    Do you use any special technology or technique?
    Foil, Embossing, Debossing, Wax Stamping, Letterpress,  3D Cards,  Custom fold invitation boxes
    What design styles do you specialize in?
    Classic, simple, floral illustrations
    What is your average turnaround time, from initial consultation to shipment?
    2 months
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    4 months in advance would be great
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    50% for downpayment, another 50% before shipping
    When was your business established?
    May 2018
    What makes your services unique?
    We take pride in creating a simple yet timeless pieces, because to us every detail matters.
    Others (Unique Services)

    What services do you offer?
    Wax Stamping, Calligraphy
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    1-2 Months
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Our Wax Seals and Calligraphy services are 100% handcrafted in House.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    Full Advanced Payment is required for Wax Stamping and Calligraphy services.
    When was your business established?
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    We charged according to Design, Invitation size, Quantity and the complication of the assembling line. Therefore do contact us for more, we create bespoke Wedding Invitations at reasonable price.
    Ruko CBD Greenlake City Block G no 7 11570

    Bespoke Invitation, Gifts, and Staionaries Services Where every little touch matters.

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