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Bojo images Review(s)
5 Review(s), sorted by :
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Pre-Wedding session with Bojo Image
Alex and I are based in Australia. We found out that Bebop had a trip to Australia at that time. I contacted him and asked him if he was available to have a session for my pre-wedding shoot, and he said yes! It was really nice and we had so much fun during the session. He guided us for the poses but it didn't make us feel awkward, otherwise it felt intimate. The most important thing is all the pictures are incredible amazing! Highly recommended.

Best decission ever !!
Sebenernya sudah jadi wishlist suami kalo foto prewedding pgn sm bebop a.k.a bojo hahaa akhirnya terkabul dan kita sukaaa hasilnyaaa 🫶
Ditambah dgn adanya ci nina yg multitalented (yg tiba2 bisa brubah jadi stylist dadakan) yang dengan senang hati membantu saya cari referensi soal baju, gaya rambut dll
Selama foto super happy, oya ada scene yg bkin kita berdua hanyut krna terbawa suasana (itu gakan dilupain sih)
Sukses trus buat bojoooooo, saranghae 🫰
Prewedding Photoshoot
Sukaaaa pake bangett sama semua muanya!
Dari konsepnya dipikirin gimana biar cocok sama aku dan pasangan. Hasil fotonya jg tipe foto yang abadi ga akan bosen liatnya. 10-20 taun lg liat fotonya masih tetep bagus ❤️🔥 bukan cuman sekedar photoshoot buat gaya2an tapi dpikirin biar ada meaning dan memories di baliknya.
Tempat sederhana dan seada2nya , tapi outcome fotonya maksimal. Selama sesi juga dibikin santai dan ga draining sama sekali.
Grateful banget dikasih kesempatan foto sama Bojo Images. 1000000000/100 recommended!

Truly wonderful prewedding experience
Kami tidak ragu-ragu memilih Bojo Images ntuk sesi foto prewedding kami. Selain karena sudah lama kenal, kami juga suka sekali dengan portfolio Bojo yang menampilkan hasil personal, naratif, dan cenderung sinematik. Benar saja ketika sesi prewedding kami, Bebop dan Nina yang sudah membantu sejak proses brainstorming, pemilihan baju dan menentukan konsep, mampu membawa sesi foto dengan begitu menyenangkan dan seru. Hasil yang kami dapatkan pun sangat memuaskan. Jadi bingung mau print yang mana utk dipasang di rumah, karena bagus semua :D
Truly recommended.
Kudos Bojo Images!

Wouldn't asked for a better photographer
Kami memilih Bojo Images karena sangat suka dengan hasil foto couple mereka, which both formal dan casual styles-nya super duper keren.
Fotografer di balik Bojo Images (Bebop & Nina), yang ternyata adalah pasangan suami-istri di dunia nyata, sangat ramah dan santai. Dari awal contact mereka, saya langsung ngasi tau: Saya sm suami sy tuh orang paling kaku dan ga suka difoto sedunia, tapi berhubung mau menikah, ya harus punya foto prewed.
Bebop & Nina dengan sabar menjelaskan lokasi foto, konsep foto, baju yang harus disiapkan, tone, moodboard, props, sampe aksesori semuanya mereka uda kasi tau harus gimana. Sampe waktu sy lagi belanja dan bingung milih model kemeja pun, mereka bantuin loh.... XD
Di hari pemotretan mood-nya santai banget. Bebop & Nina sangat friendly, sama sekali nggak bossy, galak, atau menggurui saya dan suami yang gabisa pose sama sekali.. Diajak ngobrol ngalor ngidul, membangun suasana pemotretan supaya jadi super relaxed dan fun. Ga kerasa tau2 beres..
Pas lihat hasilnya..?? Speechless! They captured our moments impressively beautiful. Sampe hari ini masih inget obrolan yang dibuka Bebop untuk membangun mood antara saya dan suami. LOL
Thank you for being a part of our lifelong journey, Bebop & Nina!
We wouldnt asked for a better photographer.
Much love,
Devin & Vern
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What is included in your photoshoot package?
Digital files
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Artistic, Natural, Black and White, Portraiture, Analog, Candid
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Natural, Portraiture, Analog
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Beauty shoot, Maternity, Wedding day coverage
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Beauty shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
One week in advance
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Additional charges for transport and accommodation may applied
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
Edited only
Are you available to shoot after hours?
Additional charge
What rate do you usually charge at?
Half day/ full day.
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
Approx One week after the photoshoot
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
1-2 weeks after the photoshoot
How far in advance should your client contact you?
2 months before
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
50 % downpayment - 50% one day before the photoshoot
Proyek Sayang Istri
by @awbebop & @ninanathania.
Bojo Images is a project inspired by affections.
We believe that intimacy, raw emotion, and genuine connection can be seen through photographs.
We hope to bring you back to those moments when you look at the photos in the future, so you remember how it felt.
But this is not about us. This is about you.
bojo : a Javanese word for husband or wife.
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