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The Bridestory Blog

Kami di sini tidak hanya untuk menginspirasi pikiran Anda, tetapi juga hati dan jiwa Anda. Kami sangat antusias berbagi pengalaman, ide, dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan hubungan Anda sebelum dan sesudah pernikahan.

What Makes Men Go For Younger Women
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Why is it, in movies, we always tend to see rich, successful men, go for younger women, be it they're cheating on their spouse or not? What is it about youth that attracts most men to risk a good thing they got going on for them? Let's have a look at why men might go for younger women.

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"He Never Called After Our First Date"
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Okay, let's talk about where first date seemed promising but then a follow-up never happened. It's really easy to assume that if he doesn't call you then he's just not into you. No matter how many times you've heard your best friend's words of wisdom, read dating 101 articles, or even watched the movie, you'd end up having all the guesswork, got panic and let your anxiety overwhelm you. This whole situation is actually more complicated than you think it is. So many factors affecting one simple action: to call or to not call, and here we're going to explain it all to you.

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Getting Married at a Young Age: Yes or No?
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We must have had friends or relatives who married slightly early at a younger point of maybe 18-23 years old and left some of our friends and family wondering if it's the right thing to do at such a tender age. Today we take a look at the pros and cons of getting married at a young age.

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4 Ways to Ask a Guy Out on a Date
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When you really like a guy, you often opt to wait him to make the first move. But what about if you made the first move instead? The truth is some guys really like it when a girl asks first. Most of them admitted it takes the pressure off of asking a girl out. Four men shared their own experiences on this stuff and how they think about it.

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Di era modern seperti sekarang apakah sistem kasta, status dan kelas sosial mesih menjadi hal yang penting? Mungkin tidak. Tapi tak sedikit pula kasus dimana pria merasa rendah diri saat menjalin hubungan dengan wanita yang lebih tinggi dalam hal tersebut. Baca artikel yang diambil dari sudut pandang kaum pria berikut.

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Apakah Anda sudah menonton film musical pendek karya Disney dan Pixar yang berjudul Lava? Kami sudah dan begitu menyukainya! Bagaimana tidak, selain lucu dan manis, terdapat banyak hal yang dapat dipetik dari kisah ceritanya.

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Heart-to-Heart Talk: Why Do I Keep Attracting Jerks?
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"The amount of unhealthy relationships I have been in is getting to a point where it's becoming too much. I don't understand why I just keep on attracting men who aren't good for me."

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