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    Crystal Clarissa Review(s)

    2 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    10 February 2016 | Partnering Vendor at Wedding

    Best Designer ever .

    She is really artistic person , one of the best person in fashion industry who i know , really kind person , and her design always unique . i love to work with her , a person who work with love , passion , and spirit .
    Cindy Michelline
    07 January 2015

    Awesome designer

    She is young talented fashion designer! I love her design, her dress, her style, she has a unique style of her design and dare to be different.

    Dress & Attire

    Does a client need to schedule an appointment? How do the client appointments work?
    Yes and You can contact us first for appointments to 081910661990,line id Crystalc.liuwang or email to
    Jl.Jendral Sudirman no 99 Bandung

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