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    CHERIS'H makeup artist Review(s)

    83 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Flara Patricia
    30 December 2024 | Bride at Flara Patricia Wedding

    Thank you so much!

    I'm so grateful to have met Ci Cherish! Her work is absolutely stunning, and her makeup skills are flawless. From the wedding ceremony to the dinner reception, she nailed both looks perfectly! On my wedding day, my makeup was truly my confidence booster, and I loved it so much. Thank you for being such an important part of my special day. I honestly can't imagine any other MUA who could have made me feel as beautiful and confident.
    Metta Taslim
    27 December 2024 | Bride at Metta & Andree Wedding

    Thank you so much Cherish & team!

    Cherish and Team was really helpful since the trial day up till the D-Day. We booked a full package for bride, groom, and families & all were satisfied with the service. Thank you for making us pretty! 💙
    27 December 2024 | Bride at Kev Wedding

    Happy bride!

    Puas sekali dengan service cherish dan team. Sabar banget sama aku yang bingung maunya apa dari trial dan hari H, cherish juga adjust looks dihari H sehingga lebih bagus lagi dibanding trial nya. Buat bride yang cengeng jangan kuatir krn makeup nya ga longsor di wedding outdoor dan derai air mata lol
    Raissa Sahertian
    27 December 2024 | Bride at Raissa & Daniel Wedding

    Wedding Make Up

    Beruntung banget dipertemukan dengan Cherish MUA and team saat memutuskan nikah di Bali. Hasil make up paripurna walaupun saya nikah outdoor pagi sampai sore. Kebayang matahari dan angin bali luar biasa. Tapi make up tetap flawless dan ga luntur sama sekali. Padahal make up dari jam 3 pagi. Team Cherish MUA utk hair do juga ga kalah recommended, hasilnya rapi dan memuaskan. Kalau make up ga perlu diragukan lagi. Tapi saya juga mau berterima kasih, karena Cherish MUA and team are really supportive. Pengalamanku, mereka tulus banget terhadap client. Ga hanya make up saya, bahkan saat situasi ga sesuai dengan plan, mereka turun tangan langsung bantu saya lepas pasang gown. Berusaha tenang biar client ga panik. Bisa memenuhi kebutuhan client dan perfeksionis. Terakhir , on time ! Sangat appreciate karena selalu menghargai rundown selama pengalamanku kerjasama dengan Cherish MUA. Good luck! Semoga hal baik selalu terjadi utk kalian :)
    aulia Teresa
    27 December 2024 | Bride at Fendy & Teresa Wedding

    highly recommended make up artist!

    Amazed with the results (morning & night looks)! Very professional and good communication 🫶 make up nya flawless, on time, and the most important thing is, she is so hygienic! Thank you
    27 December 2024 | Bride at Joshua Adam Wedding

    My Wedding Dream Make Up

    Awalnya pas lagi nyari MUA untuk wedding, scroll IG tiba2 muncul iklan Cherish MUA. Lanjut kepoin dong foto2nya di IG, hasilnya semua menurut aku perfect, lalu aku lanjut chat kak Cherish minta pricelistnya. Setelah lihat harga, aku masih lanjut nyari MUA lain, tapi pricelistnya gak cocok dan hasil dari foto2 mereka agak beda sama punya kak Cherish, dan akhirnya aku dan suami udah yakin untuk milih kak Cherish. Ditambah lagi, salah satu teman pake kak Cherish, wah udah gak salah pilih lagi. Awalnya sih gak ada nentuin make up nya harus gimana, jadi aku serahkan saja ke kak Cherish. Aku gak percaya sama hasilnya, baru kali ini aku nemu MUA yg bilang nanti make up nya sy samain ya sama warna leher 😍 jarang banget aku nemu MUA yg seperti itu, yg ada ya asal aja mau belang gimana lehernya nanti tinggal dikasih bedak. Tapi kak Cherish beda banget, thank you kak 😭🥰 Semua orang muji hasil make up kakak, katanya hasilnya gak main2, karena kebiasaan orang Sumba ciumnya di hidung, jadi bedaknya bisa hilang bagian itu. Tapi hasil riasan kak Cherish gak ada hilangnya dibagian hidung. Wah pokoknya over all, aku sangat2 merekomendasikan Cherish MUA untuk hari2 penting kalian, gak bakal nyesel sama sekali. Kak Cherish udah jadi satu2nya MUA ku yg aku percaya 😍🥰🙏

    Hair & Makeup

    What do your beauty services offer?
    Bridal make up,  Bridesmaids make up, balinese bridal makeup
    What do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
    Bridal make up,  Bridesmaids make up
    What kind of hair and make up looks do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Natural,  Romantic and soft
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Are you available to do make up after hours?
    How many make up retouch sessions do you offer in one wedding event?
    Normally, we do makeup on the morning for the ceremony, and 1 retouch for the reception in the evening. How ever, the number of retouch can be adjusted upon client's request.
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    The most ideal time would be 3 months prior the wedding day
    What makes your services unique?
    we bring out the most beautiful version of the bride in natural way. We are very passionate and would do our best effort to satisfy every bride on her big day with her stunning and flawless look.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    40% after confirmation, 60% on the d-day
    When was your business established?
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    How many customers can you serve at once if the bride were to book her entire bridal party?
    more than 10
    Do your services continue until the photoshoot or the event ends?
    What rate do you usually charge at?

    Cheris Hardika is Bali based makeup artist, Her interest in beauty sculpting began on her early 20s when she got involved in some fashion and entertainment projects. Her scrupulocity in doing makeup ensure the finest and flawless makeup result.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.