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Married Life VS Single Friends

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At first you might notice a little bit of distance growing between you and your single friends. You may not have plenty of time hanging out with them. You're busy making a life around the household, trying your best to fit in with the in-laws, adjusting your behavior to suit your newly acquired married status. Things are going to change even more when the baby arrives. Then you realize that you and your single friends are no longer on the same page. They don't seem too interested in your life and vice versa. They still love to talk about chasing men, while you're settled with one and want to share how much annoying it is to have a 'big boy' around the house. They'll invite you to one of the hottest club and insist that you party all night along with them, while all you want to do is set up camp in front of your TV in your sweat pants while munching on a giant slice of pizza.

You'll wonder, "How did we get here?" The answer would lie in the declining spare time and the shift in priorities. Your newly acquired status comes with newly acquired responsibilities. Spouse, parent ─ you are no longer just your own person living for yourself anymore. You have acquired a new perspective in life which is probably different to your single friends.

"But real friends stay," they say, and yes, indeed they do. All relationship takes work, including friendship. You might not connect over the things you did in the good old days ─ talking nonsense over drinks or bar hopping till the wee hours ─ but you might discover new ways to still be in each others' lives. It might be brief, but a deep conversation over an early dinner or brunch might do your heart a lot of good. It might also take a while to adjust to the new situation, but old friends will always find a way to stay.

Every great friendship is always worth keeping. So, don't be too quick to throw things out the window. Work it out and show how much you appreciate them.

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