Blog / Relationship Tips / Don’t Let The Sun Set On Your Anger

Don’t Let The Sun Set On Your Anger


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Every couple gets into disagreements at one point or another during the relationship. We have all been there, where we find ourselves in the middle of a fight with our partner and we question whether or not to solve the problem right then and there, or to stop and pick up where we left off the next day instead. What we have learnt is that couples who are in happy, healthy and long-lasting relationships have the ability to solve problems and come to a solution as quickly as possible. With this in mind, here are a few suggestions we have on why you should stay up with your partner and talk things through before you hit the pillow for that good night's rest.

Stay up and fight

If the argument gets a bit too much, it is perfectly fine to take a bit of a break for an hour or so to cool down. However, going to bed when you still have plenty of built up anger and unspoken emotions might only fuel the fire of another day's fight. Try your best to have a fresh start the next day. The situation you would want to avoid is to have an argument the following day over the disappointment of yesterday's fight.

Make sure to come to a solution

Arguments can in fact be viewed as experiences that strengthen the relationship, but this is only possible if a solution is the ending "ceremony" of each arguments. Talk with your partner until you both come to some kind of truce and understanding, and until the problem is solved. The point of an argument is so the both of you could come to a compromise and a solution in order to be able to move forward and grow from that misunderstanding.

Put the past to rest

Try to put yesterday's argument behind once you both have come to a solution and try not to bring it up again. Once you both have buried the issue and come to a solution there is no need to remind your partner of that again. If your partner upsets you the next day, although you might be tempted to, resist the urge to bring up what happened yesterday or the day before.

It may be easier said than done to not bring your anger with you as you close your eyes and fall asleep, however you and your spouse could at the very least come to a decision that the issue will be solved as soon as possible. So, stay up and talk it out until a solution is made. After all, everyone deserves a good night's sleep.

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