Flying all the way from the busyness of Hong Kong, this couple was set to devour all natural sites Victoria has to offer. Maggie and Michael also didn't waste any time. Fern forest, winery, lighthouse, beach cliffs, and sand dunes are all checked from the list in just two days.
The two smiled excitedly in pictures as they caught sight for the first time with this south-eastern Australian state. Wearing mostly casual vacation outfits, they ventured across the state. As this was the couple's first visit to Victoria, their photographers, Fire, Wood & Earth, wanted to give them a wholesome experience. For this, they took a long drive out of Melbourne to show the couple all the different landscapes Victoria has and oh it was worth it
First stop, they strolled around the fern forest in Dandenong and relaxed under the shade of big trees. Their next visit was blessed with the warm Victorian sun shining over the wineries of Yarra Valley. Here, they enjoy the natural elegance of vast green landscapes that extends all the way to the mountainous part of the area. The most memorable moment, however, was the visit to Big Drift sand dunes. This is where they took off their shoes to feel the white sand softly brush again their skin. They spent the day gleefully running around barefooted without glancing at their watch. Finally, they concluded their session in Squeaky beach, running towards the glistening sunset clad in formal clothes.
Over this fun two-days, the photographers managed take wonderful pictures that capture the excitement the couple shares in this relationship. In any angle, we can see what a wonderful first impression Victoria has given them. Take another look at the photos and if you'e planning a visit to Victoria for your pre-wedding session, then don't hesitate to add these photos to your inspiration board!