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6 things you need to know about tattoo removal

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Photography: Allebach Photography

If you're regretting some of your tattoo choices, they can now be removed with much less difficulty than before using PicoSure lasers. Here are six things to know about this new technology shared by Dr Joseph Yang of Aesthetic & Medical Clinic.

PicoSure is less painful and faster

Old fashioned lasers use photothermic heat energy akin to burning off layers of skin (ouch!). But now, new and improved machines like PicoSure, is much less painful than the tattoo itself. PicoSure's Picosecond technology works on a specific wavelength of light that delivers a photomechanical impact to ink pigments with such speed and power, that they are pulverised into smaller particles, making them easier for the body's lymphatic system to absorb and flush out.

You'll need at least six months of removal time

With previous lasers a tattoo might need anything from 10 to 20 sessions. Even then in many cases an outline or shadow might still be visible. According to Dr Yang, PicoSure can remove a tattoo in half as many treatments or even less. A simple black tattoo might require three to six treatments with five to eight weeks between each treatment. Add another three sessions for very dark, deep tattoos. It's best to give yourself at least six months for complete removal.

A coloured tattoo is harder to remove

With multi-coloured tattoos, the different shades have to be treated with different wavelengths of light, so they require longer treatment time than single-coloured tattoos. This may ultimately cost you more.

There will be some downtime

People treated with older types of lasers say that PicoSure is a lot less painful; maybe just a slight tingling. When it's over, you may feel a little sore and sensitive, much like getting a tattoo. There is some blistering or frosting of the treated area and that will flake off after a week or two. Usually, you'll be given an antibiotic ointment to aid the healing process.

It's easier to remove if you have fair skin

As a rule, the fairer the skin, the easier and quicker it is to treat. The darker the skin the more of the laser energy it absorbs. Even treating tanned skin takes longer, so if you are planning on removing a tattoo, stay out of the sun for a few weeks before you start treatments. Patients also have avoid the sun and use a sunblock while undergoing treatments

Laser costs more than the tattoo itself

Most medical doctors would say one should consider long and carefully before getting a tattoo. They might be cheap and quick to get but the results are permanent and can be difficult and expensive to remove. The price of a single treatment starts at S$1,000, which is a bit more expensive per treatment than older types of lasers. But cheaper overall because fewer sessions are required and the results are better.

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