Photography: Ash Fox Photography
Probably the most stressed a guy will ever be is when he gets down on one knee to pop the big question. Don't know where to begin? Then consult proposal architect, Ming Hui of HelpYouMarry, who has orchestrated hundreds of memorable engagements. Here, he shares 5 tips on how to create the perfect proposal that suits you.
Build on a significant moment in your relationship
Many guys don't know where to start when it comes to brainstorming for their proposal. The right method is actually simpler than you think. A relationship is about building memories together and a marriage proposal is the perfect setting to showcase the love you have built and the future you both will have.
Can you remember the first place you went on a date together?
Can you recall the exact table or bench you sat at when you first asked her to be your special one?
What was that one moment that meant so much to both of you?
Pick up on something meaningful to both of you and use it as your main theme. Everything else then builds around that.
Don't just think about out-doing other guys
In today's era of viral videos and social media, some guys might be drawn into this idea of needing to outdo others. That will lead them to think of bombastic ideas that sometimes may not be entirely relevant to the couple. You may stage the biggest outdoor flash-mob proposal but during that 5-min while you'ree dancing away, your girlfriend might be standing there feeling less than comfortable! A ra-ra proposal is not for everyone.
Make sure you capture the action on photo or video
Proposals nowadays are slowly becoming equal to weddings in terms of significance to a couple's life. After looking at all the couples, local and foreign, we can safely say that proposals are the truest expression of one's love for each other. You see the most natural reactions during that moment of surprise or the overflowing emotions during one's speech. Such moments deserve to be captured on video or photography, and shared.
A good old heartfelt speech is always important
It's true – a heartfelt speech bring on the tears. When you create a proposal, you will have included many elements of your relationship to rekindle memories and surprise your special one. All these build up to that one final moment. And this moment is not merely popping the 'four word question'. When you stand there, with her hands in your palm, start telling her what she means to you and what the world will be like with her forever. Some girls may cry, some may be stunned, but they will most definitely be touched.
Create an element of surprise no matter how small it is
Girls have a sixth sense when it comes to their own proposal. It is always good to create an element of surprise, something that she might not necessarily be expecting. Do something that you might not normally do. Catch her off guard. Make her feel that she matters a great deal to you that you would do such a thing for her.