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The First Dance Ulasan
11 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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Highly Recommended
At first kita ragu memilih vendor Wedding Dance, karena takut gak cocok sama Coachnya. Tapi thank God we chose The First Dance. Dari awal ketemu Ci Clau, orgnya bener-bener friendly and kind.
Ci clau, Thank you so much for choreographing our lovely dance. We truly enjoyed it so much, apalagi the song bener2 capture our journey jugaa
We couldnt have done it without youu. Terus happy bgt pas wedding kissnya sukses, pokonya smua tip yang cici kasih tuh kepake bgt buat di wedding

Super Recomend
Super rekomend bljr wedding dance disini, Thx you so much Ci Claudia uda membantu kami membuat memorable moment di wedding day kami. Ci Claudia orgnya super friendly, sabar bgt, detail dan bahkan disini tidak hanya diajarin choreonya aja tapi jg posture tubuh juga diperhatikan agar wedding dancenya bisa okei...
Pokoknya terima kasih sekali sudah bantu mewujudkan wedding dance diacara kami.
Love Vivian & William :)

Very recommended!
Super recommended! Awalnya ngga kepikiran mau ada dance yang bener-bener choreographed gitu, tapi akhirnya iseng supaya lebih dapet momentnya saat hari H & sama sekali ngga nyesel.
Happy banget diajarin ci claudia, very friendly, very detail dan ga hanya diajarin choreonya aja tapi jg dimakesure posturenya oke.
Dan tentunya sabar banget sama kita yg ngga pernah dance sebelumnya 🫶🏻

One of our best wedding vendor ❤️
Dari awal emang pengen bgt ada wedding dance walaupun kita gak ada yg bs nari haha terus sempet tanya ke temen belajar dmn dan dia bljr disini thank God bgt dipertemukan dengan ci Claudia yg bner2 helpful and passionate bgt thank you so much ci Claudia uda sabar ngajarin, bener2 detail dan selalu ingetin untuk jangan terlalu dihapal dan kaku tapi enjoy the moment with our partner ❤️ dan sampai hari wedding kt bner2 enjoy our wedding dance. Dan penting nya ga galak dan super ramah jadi ga terpressure haha 😂 super duper rekomen deh buat kalian yg mau ada wedding dance di acara pernikahan kalian

Super super recommended!
We were really happy with thefirstdance. Ci Claudia was very patient with me and Matthew (ps: both of us are very stiff). She taught us step by step and she can adjust the choreography to our ability. I can tell ci Claudia is passionate about her work. So grateful that our paths crossed. Super recommended for those who consider wedding dance!

Recommended Vendor
Dari yang gabisa nari dan kepikiran harus dance wedding malah jd super enjoy and seneng latihan dance dibawa santai dan enjoy sama ci Claudia. Diajarinnya detail, disesuaikan banget sm kepribadian kita sukanya yg tipe gmn dan yang penting jd bisa enjoy supaya ga awkward. Diajarin juga cara menghadapi kesalahan2 teknis jd bisa prepare kalo ada hal yg tdk diinginkan terjadi hahaha. Ci Claudia the besttt❤️
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Dance & Choreography
What services do you offer?
Choreography / dance lessons,
What type of dance do your perfomers specialize in? (max. 3)
Ballet, Contemporary / dance lessons
Who is the audience of your dance lesson?
Wedding couples, Group
Where do you usually hold the dance lesson?
In our studio, Outside studio (extra transport fee)
What type of dance do you usually teach?
How do you usually charge on dance lesson?
What makes your services unique?
We do a personalized snd conceptual choreography to highlight the love story through dance and make a memorable "Once in a Lifetime" dancing moment worth the stare.
How far in advance should your client contact you?
1-2 months before is the best time to learn wedding dance.
How long does it usually take for a couple to master a ballroom dance?
2-4 sessions depends on the client's dance experience and choreography complexity.
What stage equipment do you provide to support your performance?
Ready-to-play mp3 (playback sound)
How many choreographers do you have in your team?
For now, still one choreographer for the first dance.
What size is your dance group?
We don't provide dance group for now, but we do provide choreography for bridesmaids and groomsmen.
Do you have a replacement just in case your dancers or choreographers become unavailable?
If the choreographer isn't available, then we will try to inform in advance to the client and reschedule the session.
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
Even we are new to this business, but so far our clients were satisfied with our service and choreography. The choreographer also certified in ballet by Royal Academy of Dance and in piano by Associated Board of Royal Music.
Do you have your own props and costumes?
Apartemen The Mansion Jasmine Tower Aurora, Jl Trembesi Blok D4, Pademangan Timur, Kec. Pademangan, Jakarta Utara, 14410 14410
Founded by a person who has a major in ballet (certified by The Royal Academy of Dance) and piano (certified by ABRSM). She started dancing when she was 5 years old at MDA and she used to be a ballet teacher at JSA. She found the love of creating a Once in a Lifetime dancing moment to be personally yours. She believes every love story has its charm so she highlights a personalized dance choreography at its best to make you experience the love through dance and make your guests worth the starh
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