Blog / Real Weddings / Sebuah Pernikahan Klasik dan Elegan di Palais Liechtenstein, Austria

Sebuah Pernikahan Klasik dan Elegan di Palais Liechtenstein, Austria


Romantis dan mewah seolah menjadi dua kata yang cocok untuk menggambarkan pernikahan Josua dan Alena. Mereka secara khusus memilih Palais Liechtenstein sebagai tempat mereka bertukar janji suci dan merayakan jalinan cinta bersama kerabat dan sahabat terdekat. Sebagai istana di tengah kota Wina, Austria dengan arsitektur historikal dan interior yang berseni, lokasi pernikahan pasangan ini sangatlah cantik. Dekorasi bunga pun diberikan oleh sang pasangan untuk menyempurnakan tampilan venue tersebut.

Hari istimewa tersebut dimulai dengan Alena yang tampil memikat dalam balutan gaun pengantin berhiaskan bordir bunga, sepasang anting berlian dan sepatu bertabur kristal. Bagaikan cerita dongeng, sang mempelai wanita tiba di istana dihantar dengan kereta kuda dan akhirnya bertemu dengan Joshua. Sang mempelai pria juga tampil klasik dan memesona dalam setelah tuksedo hitam. Dengan seluruh tamu menyaksikan, upacara pernikahan mereka dimulai. Di hadapan altar yang terbuat dari dedaunan dan bunga-bunga, kedua mempelai mengucapkan janji setia mereka.

Acara selanjutnya adalah resepsi yang diadakan di ruangan lain istana tersebut. Layaknya sebuah romansa tanpa akhir, sekali lagi kami dibuat terkagum akan kemegahan venue , terutama pada dinding marmer dan lukisan cantik di langit-langit ruangan. Para dekorator dari A Very Beloved Wedding sukses menghiasi ruang makan tersebut dengan rangkaian bunga bernuansa musim semi, memenuhi setiap meja. Tak hanya itu, Joshua dan Alena juga menyuguhi para tamu dengan dessert table yang tak hanya menggugah selera, namun mempermanis tampilan perayaan pada hari itu.

Simak sekali lagi foto-foto pernikahan mereka dan jangan lupa untuk menambahkan foto favorit Anda ke inspiration board!

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

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Photography: Love is My Favorite Color

Extreme romance are perhaps the best words to describe the nuptial of Alena and Joshua. They specifically picked Palais Liechtenstein as the place where they would exchange their vows and celebrate their union with their loved ones. The venue is a city palace situated at the heart of Vienna with state-of-the-art architecture and historical rooms in its interior. Having held their wedding in such a stunning venue, there's no need to go above and beyond when it comes to decoration.

Beginning the lovely day, Alena glowed as she paired her fully-embellished wedding dress with diamond earrings and crystal-dotted shoes. Just like a fairytale, she arrived at the palace in a horse-drawn carriage and finally met Joshua. The groom also looked posh in a classic black tuxedo. With all their guests witnessing, the emotional ceremony soon unfolded. Before a wedding arch made out of lush greeneries and soft-colored flowers, the couples said their lifelong vows.

Following the heartfelt ceremony was the reception in another part of the palace. It seemed like a never-ending romance as the room once again mesmerized us with its marbled baroque walls and hand-painted ceilings. The team from A Very Beloved Wedding adorned the dining room with spring-inspired floral arrangements and thoughtfully placed them as centerpieces of each table. Last but not least, if a gracefully elegant dessert table is what you're aiming for, take some cues from this couple's scrumptious selection of pastries which are not only pleasing to the taste but also to the eyes.

Scroll back up to see their wedding photos one more time and don't forget to add ones you love to the inspiration board!

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