Blog / Wedding Ideas / Get skin glowing with a homemade body scrub

Get skin glowing with a homemade body scrub

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Photography: Honestly Healthy

Is skin looking a little fatigued and dull from pre-wedding stress and sleepless nights? One way to get skin glowing instantly: A body scrub and lots of moisturiser. Instead of buying a scrub from the stores, you could always look into the kitchen pantry and whip up your own personalised concoction!

Jars of body scrubs are a great gift for your bridesmaids too, and it doesn't cost much. For about $5, you're able to make a jarful of this salt mixture, and even add your own scents and flavours to it. Try this simple recipe and throw a sparty for the girls this weekend. We assure it will soothe your skin and sooth any pre-wedding jitters you may have.

Homemade Salt Body Scrub


Empty jar

Sea salt/Epsom salt

Coconut oil (any other skin nutritive oils will do)

Your choice of essential oil


(1) Fill a third of your empty jar with coconut oil

(2) Pour in a generous amount of salt (Find an oil-salt ratio you're comfortable using. While some may like it drier, others may prefer it when it's a tad oiler)

(3) Mix well

(4) Drop in 6-12 drops of your favourite essential oil (depending on how scented you want your scrub to be)

(5) Mix well

The fun thing about this recipe is that it allows you to be as creative as you want to be. Whether you use only the two main ingredients (salt and oil) or ten others, it still works all the same. Some variations you can add to the original recipe:

- Use raw sugar instead of salt for a softer feel

- Add a scoop or two of honey (be sure you to cut down on the oil)

- Mash strawberries and mix it into the mixture

- Squeeze lemon juice into the mixture to add a citrusy touch

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