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7 Quick Ways to Show Him Your Appreciation

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Photography: Thinkstock Photos

No matter how long you've been married, you might probably be guilty of taking your spouse for granted. Everyday chores and working stuff wears you both out, leaving if any at all, only a small energy to show him some appreciation. In light of the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration, we've rounded up a few ideas that you can do to quickly give your hubby some much-needed TLC.

Compliment him on his appearance.

Remember how your heart pounded so hard when you see him a long time before he's married to you, the way you secretly love to see him wearing that crisp white shirt that made him the most handsome man you've ever seen? He's the same man, still handsome, but you might just not notice it anymore. Relive those good old moments, compliment him when you see him dress up.

Let him chill out after work.

The first minutes after your husband comes home often sets the stage for how the rest of the evening will go. He's tired from work, and although you're tired too from taking care of the kids and house chores at home, leave him alone to unwind for a good 15 minutes. Stay away from negativity so that that golden moment will turn into a positive vibe for the rest of the evening.

Don't put him down in front of other people.

It's the most humiliating thing for a spouse to be belittled in front of other people. In fact, it's a major no-no! Instead, you should try to compliment him in front of others more often. How you admire him, how he's so great with kids and some small stuff that you love about him. It's not only to let others know how great he is but also to let him know that you appreciate him.

Try personalized phrases in saying 'thank you'

If you keep using "Thank you" all the time for everything, it will lose its charm and meaning. Use more specific phrase for specific acts that he does, like: "I love it when you tuck the kids in bed," "Wow, you're such a great 1-pot dinner cook. That's superb!" or "What would I do without your help?"

Do little things for him – bring him coffee, let him sleep in

Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Show your spouse a lot more appreciation by doing little things for him occasionally, like letting him sleep in, bringing him coffee, or ordering pizza for his football night with his buddies at home.

Say thank you with gift

It's the time-tested method to thank. You don't have to splurge on something fancy, it's the thoughtfulness that counts. Be it a new coffee tumbler, a gift card, or anything that you know he'll love.

Take him for a weekend get-away without the children

It is the ultimate gift for both of you. Believe us, you're gonna love the idea of having a quality time with your spouse where no kid could interrupt. Use this perfect moment to shower him with appreciation and gratefulness.

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