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22 Signs of a Great Girlfriend

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Every relationship is different and is unique to each couple, but there are some things that every man generally need in a partner in order to have a healthy and prospective relationship. We have a list of 22 signs and qualities that you can mostly find in a great girlfriend. It doesn't mean that you have to look for the perfect girl that covers it all, because even a little combination of these traits can make you realize that you have found the right person.

1. Be there for you when you needs someone to listen, because sometimes all you need is someone who listens without questions or judgement.

2. Agrees to disagree, when necessary. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes and when two people get together, they are bound to disagree at one point or another. A great girlfriend is someone who is willing to compromise and meet you halfway.

3. Give him his "boys" time. She lets you have a social life outside of your relationship and she also maintains her circle of friends regularly.

4. She allows you to be yourself, accept your flaws and realize that she has some too!

5. Doesn't nag, whine or cling excessively or without a good reason. An awesome girlfriend will show her independence but is always appreciative when you help her with something.

6. Be loving and shows affection, even when she's angry or in the middle of an argument with you.

7. She is lively, smart and has a great sense of humor, that what makes you always looking forward to spending time with her. She's just so fun be around!

8. Makes an effort to get to know and spend time with your family and friends.

9. She's polite and kind to elders, kids and people that are less unfortunate than her.

10. She tells you what she doesn't like to hear or see from you and always being upfront to keep you from guessing things.

11. She also knows what she wants in a relationship and not afraid to discuss it with you to see if the two of you want the same things.

12. She has goals and ambitions in her life regarding her education and career.

13. She involves you in most of her future plans and tries her best not to be selfish about it.

14. She doesn't take things for granted, tells you how much she appreciates and grateful for all of the effort you put into the relationship.

15. She is willing to see some things from your perspective to understand why you feel a certain way.

16. Has honesty as her primary virtues. She doesn't let lies come in between the two of you.

17. Forgiveness is one of her best quality.

18. You can trust her with all of your secrets, fears or embarrassing past. You also can let her go out without worrying that she will do something inappropriate with other guys.

19. A great girlfriend shows her respect to your privacy, past and personal boundaries. She also has a great sense of respect to your belief and values.

20. She always tries to be supportive in everything you wish to do. Even when she knows you're going to fail, she doesn't show discouragement to your goals.

21. She loves herself. She nourishes and takes good care of her body and mind so that she can help you with yours.

22. She makes you want to be a better person.

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