Blog / Wedding Ideas / 12 signs you're becoming a bridezilla

12 signs you're becoming a bridezilla

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Photography: Pinterest

Has planning for your happiest day become a nightmare and in turn, you've made life almost a living hell for your fiance and everyone else involved? Well, it shouldn't and perhaps you've become a bridezilla. To diagnose yourself, read through this list and if you check off five points or more, it's time to take a step back and reevaluate yourself.

1. You've bust the wedding budget — the sky's the limit now when it comes to spending.
The word 'budget' doesn't exist in your vocabulary now. You're adamant about getting that $10,000 designer dress, diamond jewellery or floor-to-ceiling fresh flowerwall, no matter how big a hole it'll burn your pocket.

2. Everything has to be Pinterest perfect or you'll throw a hissy fit.
It's your way or the highway — you launch into a temper tantrum over every minor detail that doesn't go according to your plan. (eg. The particular shade of pink flowers you want aren't available, your fiance gets a navy tie instead of the baby blue, or your bridesmaids suggest wearing strappy heels instead of pumps.)

3. You talk about the wedding...all.the.time.
Every conversation somehow turns into wedding talk or you totally go off tangent and talk about something bridal-related.

4. You and your fiance are arguing more and it's usually about the wedding.
Money is usually the trigger, and it seems you're never satisfied with any of his suggestions.

5. Your bridesmaids aren't answering your calls and texts or invitations for lunch or dinner.
And these are the same BFFs who usually drop what they're doing just to have tea with you.

6. You change your mind about wedding details every day, sometimes twice a day.
It's five months to your big day and you can't seem to decide on important elements such as venue, floral arrangements, outfits, the guest list and more.

7. There's no "I" in "us".
You forget that a wedding celebrates a couple's union, so this day is as much your fiance's as it is yours. It's best to value his opinions and not exclude him from major decisions.

8. You don't have time for anything or anyone.
The wedding planning has taken precedence over most of your relationships. You and your fiance haven't gone on a proper date for months and you've not spent any quality time with your family and friends either.

9. You're too stressed and highly strung to sleep, eat, work or function as a human being.
You look exhausted, are easily irritable, and are falling ill more frequently.

10. You treat your bridesmaids like slaves, sometimes yelling or telling them off.
You expect them to be at your beck and call, without sparing any thought for their feelings, effort or time spent helping you.

11. You eat, sleep and breathe your references from online wedding portals, Pinterest, Instagram and magazines.
You spend almost all your free time looking for inspiration and references, and refuse to budge and check out other options even if they could work better for you.

12. You're telling your vendors what to do.
You've hired the vendors because they're experts in their field, so don't tell them how to do their jobs. Trust us, you don't want a vendor who's so miffed at you that they don't want to entertain your calls or special requests.

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