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"Gratitude" Denny & Fransiska by David
by Axioo

Updated on 05 June 2017

When life throws you for a loop and you feel like your world is crumbling down instantly, there’s nothing you want to do more than to crawl under your covers and sleep it off, hoping that when you wake up the unpleasantries you experienced will have passed you by. I know what that feels like. But I hate to tell you that that’s never going to happen. When everything doesn’t go the way you planned and you feel like everything in the world is against you, that’s when you need to face the world head on the most. It’s easier said than done, I know. But it can be done. I’ve got one word for you: gratitude. Being grateful for whatever situation you are in is the key to opening many doors in your life. It’s the key to solving most of your problems. It’s the key to seeing the whole situation and to view the world in a different perspective. It’s the key to breaking free. It is easier to see that better days are coming when you look for things to be grateful for rather than the obstacles that come crashing into your, uninvited. I hate to break it to you, but there will always be bad days and there will always be obstacles. Because without it, what would life be? But to be grateful in everything is the one thing that can protect you from all that. I know that that I might sound overly positive, even a little bit cliched, but every cloud really does have a silver lining. And when you see every obstacle as a blessing in disguise, you’ll see just what you need to do to plough through whatever mess you are waddling in at that moment. When life throws you in for a loop, remind yourself that you will never be stuck in that place forever. Instead, look for the things that will make you better when you get out of it. Gratitude is the way to face the world head on and give negativity the finger. I hope that whatever situation you are in today, you still find something to be grateful for. Let me share with you this pre-wedding album of Denny and Fransiska. It is no wonder that Turkey is an increasingly popular travel destination nowadays, because that place is just gorgeous. And when we schedule our photo sessions to a tee, we can produce these beautiful shots. I hope you enjoy the album. Love, David

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