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    Monchichi Review(s)

    111 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Stella Setyadi
    26 May 2024 | Bride at Axel & Stella Wedding

    Great team and result !

    We have so much fun on our wedding day because of monchichi’s team yang lucu2 dan profesional even though kita agak kaku tapi fotografer bisa arahin dgn baik dan sabar. And they make it more special dgn SAMEDAY EDIT video yang ditampilkan sampai wedding kiss, it was a great surprising 🤎 I love the video so much and crying over and over everytime I watch it, thank you so much guys dan sukses selalu Monchichi !
    07 May 2024 | Bride at Adrian Prapta & Loisa Wedding

    Thank you Monchichi Team

    Thank you sdh bantu di acara prewed, sangjit, sampai ke wedding. Semua hasil bagus dan sangat memuaskan. Sukses terus untuk monchichi dan team semakin melesit di darat, laut dan udara..
    08 April 2024 | Bride at Robby & Yovita Wedding

    Reviewed as Bride at Robby Yovita Wedding

    Dear tim Monchichi\n\nThank you bgt ya buat foto dan video SDE di acara wedding of Robby & Yovita\nWe have a lot of positive feedback\n\Iya ini fotonya bagus terang2\ - family 🤣\n\GW SUKA VIDEO SDE LU YOV\ - many friends\n\I dont know you can make this look\ - HK Friends\nand many moree ❤️❤️\n\nFor us, we couldnt ask for anything more, THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻\n\nHappy to choose Monchichi and especially this team, from prewed, sangjit and wedding\nMay you witness our journey of life\nSee you guys on another occasion yaahh 😇🥰🙏🏻\n\nRobby & Yovita
    Filbert Stella
    03 April 2024 | Bride at Filbert & Stella Wedding

    Riview by bride

    Dear Monchichi,\nAku, Filbert, dan kedua papa mama mau mengucapkan terima kasih yg sebesar2nya dan setulus sedalam2nya hati ❤️\n\nDari sejak awal planning wedding, kami sebenernya pengen lebih all out di makanan, dekor, dan photo, karena menurut kami itu yg bener2 akan paling longlasting utk dikenang (dibanding \nama\ venue, undangan, atau even wedding dress), jadi kami extra picky di 3 hal ini. Kami gatau tau Monchichi dari wedding fair yg mana, tapi begitu aku liat udah jatuh hati dengan stylenya. Dari awal sebelum dapet venue pun aku udah menyaring venue yg kerjasama dengan Monchichi HAHA sampe sempet dipertanyakan vendor lain dan temen2 lain, \ini yakin mau pake Monchichi? Masih banyak yg lebih mahal loh\ 😂 tapi ya namanya harga mahal kan ga selalu kualitas bagus, dan style foto/video harus cocok2an di hati kan 🥰\n\nAku bener2 enjoy banget sepanjang proses foto prewed dan hari H dengan tim Monchichi yg sangat fun becanda2 bikin suasana relax dan seru. Kerasa banget passion nya dalam photography, dan sangat mau mendengar request kami. Kami ada penyesalan ga lebih all out lagi (misal tambah prewed ke luar kota, nambah video teaser, atau request Ko Ivan) tapi apa daya karena keluarga ternyata kurang mau mengedepankan foto, jadinya kami \terpaksa\ settle dengan paket \standard\ karena masalah budget\n\nAku ga nangis selama wedding vow atau pas sungkem ke ortu, tapi malah nangis pas nonton Same Day Editnya, its so magical😭 Terima kasih banget buat tim yg mau kami repotin dengan berbagai request. Kami happy banget bisa ketemu tim yg passionate jadinya sangat aktif berkreasi hal2 baru ❤️\n\nMungkin sedikit masukan utk prewed studio kemarin kami dapet di Inaf Studio. Kami merasa Inaf studio kurang variatif backgroudnya, mungkin karena di rumah ya jadinya terbatas, dan lightingnya juga jadi terkesan kurang. Sehingga kami akhirnya memilih bantu akali dengan sekalian foto sederhana banget biar ga keliatan kayak asal foto studio. Propsnya bagus tapii!! Bisa ada lighting tembak cantik, dan main2 shadow. Memang sebenernya mau tempat sesederhana apapun, kalo yg foto jago pasti bisa keliatan mahal juga ya\n\nSekali lagii kami bener2 sesungguh2nya hati ini bisa, mengutarakan terima kasih ❤️ Thankyou utk ci Susan yg berkontak dengan aku, Kevin yg fotoin selama prewed, dan tim hari H (yg aku inget ada Jehuda, Kevin, siapa lagi ya? Maaf aku susah inget nama😭)\nBeberapa temen aku yg penikmat fotografi juga udah minta kontak Monchichi buat kalo mereka wedding nanti HEHE\n\nThankyou so so so very much!!\n\nMuch love,\nFilbert&Stella\nPapa Mama Filbert\nPapa Mama Stella
    Celine Felicya
    10 March 2024 | Bride at Angelin Wedding


    Thankyou Monchichi and Team , Dari awal acara sampai Wedding semua berjalan lancar , Hasil foto dari prewed japan , bandung , sangjit , pemberkatan dan wedding semua memuaskan . Sukses Terus , semoga bisa ketemu di event selanjutnya ! God bless !😇😇😇

    Vendor Reply

    11 March 2024
    thank youu .. sampai ketemu di event selanjutnya yaa 😊🙏🏻
    25 November 2023 | Groom at I & K Wedding

    Great prewedding session with Monchichi

    Tau Monchichi dari acara-acara wedding festival, dan karena namanya lumayan unik, jadi agak lebih stand out dan memorable dari beberapa vendor lainnya. Setelah membandingkan beberapa vendor untuk sesi prewedding, akhirnya pilihan jatuh ke Monchichi, dan ternyata bener-bener nggak salah pilih. Thank you banget untuk team prewedding Monchichi, yaitu ko Ivan Tanu, Jehuda, Adit, Calvin & Malvin, yang sangat helpful sekali, dari sebelum prewedding dimulai (membahas konsep, saran-saran lokasi dan kostum-kostum, dan beberapa hal lainnya), di saat hari prewedding, dan setelah preweddingnya juga. Mereka sangat kompak sekali, ramah banget, dan berusaha memberikan yang terbaik banget. Effortnya totalitas banget, full of energy banget (kayak nggak ada capek-capeknya, padahal mereka harus prepare things before hari pertama dan hari kedua prewedding kami, dan in between mereka juga deliver video sneak peek juga untuk kita), kompak dan seru banget, dan berusaha mencari ide-ide yang kreatif untuk kami juga. Mereka mengarahkan kami (yg kaku ini) dengan baik sekali, memberikan saran juga biar prewedding kita berjalan dengan lancar, dan membantu kami juga biar kami gak kerepotan ketika melakukan sesi prewedding. Mereka juga sangat sabar dalam menjawab pertanyaan dan concerns dari kami ketika masih di sesi persiapan sebelum prewedding. Mereka woles banget, dan bener-bener berasa bikin kami enjoy dalam melakukan sesi prewedding. Bener-bener salut sih, nggak salah deh pilih Monchichi sebagai vendor prewedding kami! Foto-foto yang diambil bagus-bagus, editannya juga bagus, dan video preweddingnya terbaik sih. Jangan ragu deh buat pilih Monchichi sebagai vendor foto dan video kalian, bener-bener recommended! Thanks again ya Monchichi, keep up the good work!


    What do your packages include?
    Our packages typically include various services and features tailored to your needs: 1. Photography and Videography Coverage: Comprehensive coverage of your event by our skilled photographers and videographers. 2. Pre-wedding Sessions: Optional pre-wedding photo or video sessions, including makeup and hairdo services if requested. 3. High-Quality Products: Delivery of high-resolution digital files and options for albums, prints, canvases, or other custom products. 4. Friendly Service: A friendly and collaborative approach throughout the planning process and during the event. 5. Transportation: Transport arrangements for our team if the event is within our city or country. 6. Timely Delivery: Delivery of the final edited photos or videos within a specified timeframe after the event. 7. Additional Add-ons: Optional add-ons such as drone footage, photo booths, or extended coverage hours may be available. We strive to create packages that cater to your specific preferences and ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience.
    Do you work overseas?
    Yes, definitely! We are committed to providing our best services to clients worldwide.
    Do you have a replacement photographer in case you become unavailable on the day of the event?
    Of course, we do. Monchichi has three teams in our office, and we only accept two weddings per day. Therefore, in case of any unforeseen circumstances such as a car breakdown or accident, we have backup photographers available to ensure the event is covered smoothly.
    Do you charge based on package, hourly or full day?
    We charge based on a full-day package. Our focus is on providing quality services rather than billing based on hourly rates.
    Are you available to shoot after hours? If yes, how much do you charge for extra hours?
    Yes, we are available to shoot after hours. The pricing for extra hours can be discussed more specifically based on your needs.
    How soon after the event are the proof ready for viewing?
    The proofs are usually ready for viewing within one to two weeks after the event. We'll send you a preview of the data during that time.
    When will the client get the final album?
    Clients can expect to receive the final album along with all data and outputs within 3 to 4 months after the wedding day or event.
    Do you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    Clients can copy all photo files from our hard disk using an external hard disk. Feel free to do so.
    Do you ever had a best wedding vendor who has a friendly attitude and flexible time for discuss?
    Absolutely! If you're looking for a wedding vendor who not only provides excellent photography but also has a friendly attitude and flexible scheduling for discussions, we're here for you! We understand the importance of capturing great moments on your wedding day, and we're more than just photographers. We're your friends, ready to discuss anything to make your day even more memorable. Whether you need advice on vendors, planning details, or simply want someone to chat with about your wedding dreams, we're here to support you every step of the way.
    What is included in your photoshoot package?
    Albums,  Digital files,  Hi-Res image,  Prints,  Custom album design,  Proof CD of all images
    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Journalism,  Portraiture,  Candid,  Artistic,  Natural,  Conceptual,  Destinations,  Black and White,  Cultural
    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Journalism,  Portraiture,  Candid,  Artistic,  Natural,  Conceptual,  Destinations,  Black and White,  Cultural
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Journalism,  Candid,  Conceptual, 
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Journalism,  Candid,  Conceptual, 
    What do your services cover?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot,  Beauty shoot
    What is your speciality?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    making an appointment beforehand allows us to share and explain more details about our services and workflow :)
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    we can manage our team to cover your BIG day in other cities or countries.
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    capturing photos and videos outside of regular working hours is part of our commitment. Everything that happens in your moment is our passion to capture.
    How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
    We direct our couples based on the mood board that we've prepared before the photo or video shoot :)
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    We charge based on the concept and storytelling involved.
    How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
    We can provide a preview for review within 7 days after the event. You'll receive a Google Drive link containing photos with preview resolution.
    How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
    All prewedding outputs will be delivered within a maximum of 2 months after the client selects the photos for editing. Meanwhile, all wedding outputs will be delivered within a maximum of 4 months after the client selects the photos for editing.
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Clients can contact us via WhatsApp at +62818858833 or +6287878266823 at least 1 month before the event.
    What makes your services unique?
    What makes our service unique is our approach to photography and videography, focusing on capturing unique angles and telling compelling stories.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash, Credit card payment
    What is your payment terms?
    Down Payment: 30% 2nd Payment: 50% Final Payment: 20%
    When was your business established?
    20 January 2012
    Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    Supported by Canon Indonesia in previous achievements and awards.
    What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
    If we need a break for meals, we can simply go to a café or restaurant together :)

    What do your packages include?
    Edited video,  High definition video,  Montage - wedding highlights,  Multiple cameras,  Multiple videographers,  Pre-ceremony,  Ceremony,  Reception,  Rehearsal dinner,  Same day edit video
    What videography styles do you specialize in?
    Cinematic,  Storytelling,  Conceptual,  Portrait
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Semarang, Yogyakarta
    Do you do a same day edit?
    Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
    Do you have a replacement videographer in case you become unavailable on the event day?
    Do you provide raw footage to the client?
    just provide us with an external hard drive. The files will be copied for free.
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    just come to our office on weekdays from 10:30 to 16:00.
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    if we need more stock for the video/photo.
    How do you direct the couple when you are capturing their moments of their wedding?
    To direct a couple during their wedding shoot, a mood board is essential as a visual guide. We typically start by talking to the couple to understand their vision and wedding style. Then, we ask them to share any image references or mood boards they like. With a mood board as a reference, we can understand the mood and aesthetics they desire, making it easier for us to provide appropriate direction during the photo session.
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    The fee usually depends on the concept :)
    How long does it take for the client to get the final video?
    Clients will receive the final video within a maximum of 40 working days after the shoot.
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Clients can contact us via WhatsApp at +62818858833 or +6287878266823 at least 1 month before the event.
    How many people do you have in your team to handle a wedding?
    We typically have a team of 4-8 persons to handle one wedding event.
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    Our business has been recognized on MyWed with 17 placements in town.
    What makes your services unique?
    What makes our service unique is our friendly approach to photo and cinematography. It's something you can't see, but you can feel it :)
    What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
    If we need a break for meals, we can simply go to a café or restaurant together :)
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    Down Payment: 30% 2nd Payment: 50% Final Payment: 20%
    When was your business established?
    20 January 2012
    Jl. Permata Biru 1 Blok I2 No. 3 - Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240 +62818858833 / +6287878266823 IG: @monchichi_photo FB: Monchichi Photography 14240

    Monchichi Photography was launched on January 20, 2012. For over a decade, we have been capturing moments of thousands of newlyweds as they start their new journey together. With the help of our well-experienced team, we guarantee to satisfy our customers.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.