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    Vendor yang pernah bekerja sama Anda


    109 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
    Ulasan Terbaru
    Livia Pangdoko
    01 Juni 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Edward & Livia


    Puas banget sama VERVE. Preparation & the day jadi sangat lancar banget. Semua steps dibantu. Keluarga juga puas dengan team yg membantu mereka di wedding day. Thankyou so much! Bakal rekomendasi ke rekan2 yg lagi butuh vendor WO/WP. Sukses selalu Verve.
    Jiyeon Lee
    25 Mei 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Jiyeon&Wisung

    Trusted wo for your dream wedding

    Makasih udah bantu kita dari awal sampai terakhir. Aku orangnya lumayan perfectionist tapi sama verve hasilnya bener2 mencapai lebih dari exspektasi nya🙏🏻 So lucky to work with verve karna service nya 10000% satisfied. Dan wedding kita bisa sukses dan lancar karna verve. Yang pasti kita mau rekomen verve karna menurutku the best wo🤩 It was the best team and i can’t describe in words how thankful we are to have you guys as our team💕 you guys are the best of all👍🏻
    Claudia Anastasia
    13 Mei 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Alvin

    Best WO Ever!

    as you see the title, they all best WO ever! thank you banget buat semuaaa tim yg terlibat🫶🏻 inget banget dr awal bingung mau wedding gmn, pitching, trs coba zoom call sama verve dan langsung klop jatuh hati sama ci Cindy🥺 penjelasannya bukan yg sekedar menjual service tapi berasa really helpful buat kita yg clueless😆 WP membantu banget buat aku dan alvin yg bingung dan kurang waktu untuk detail🥲 persiapan kesana sini dari setahun lalu juga selalu ditemenin sama tim verve jd ga bingung hrs apa krn semua verve yg tektokan! special thanks to ci Vera, ci Cindy, ci Mariani yg udah bantu koordinasi padahal kita labil berubah mulu😭 rekomendasinya buat acara kita makin perfect and memorable🥺 hari H juga sukaaa banget sama cara kerja semua tim! detail, on time, gercep, sabar, care, diingetin makan mulu dan semuaaa dikerjain smooth. bukan cuma bride groom yg happy tp keluarga juga happy sama PIC masing-masing, pokoknya paket komplit🥰 thank you juga ci Michelle dan ko Hendrawan yg udah assist aku sama Alvin, kalian really helpful omg especially ci Michelle sampe angkatin gown buat pipis, kasih gel di kaki, bukain hairdo yg full pins huhuhu thankyou all yg udah bikin wedding day kita no drama, beneran rasanya no drama bukan cuma less drama, you are the BEST!!
    23 April 2024 | Client di Pernikahan I&C

    Top service!

    Thank you bgt verve dari preparation sampe kemarin hari H, acaranya super lancar, on time & ga ada halangan. Team WO gercep bgt, ramah & care buat handle family, urus semua hal di hari H, tegas buat timekeeping and foto2 (penting bgt ini!), rapih soalan barang2, working with our vendors seamlessly. Ieuan & I are really thankful to have chosen verve & really appreciate your efforts in making our day exceptional ✨ we are very happy and satisfied with your service, totally will recommend verve to others! 💯
    16 Maret 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Jacob & Hanny

    Grateful for Having Verve on our Wedding Day

    Hi Verve, We believe that its not a coincidence for us had time together. Thank you for accepting our request to be our wedding organizer on 20th Jan 2024. Hope this review wont be late for you. Verve has a good service, from D-90 until the D. Verve has a detail working paper - which I amazed and happy to see, from bride & groom needs, until family needs. Lot of small matters those we dont care or even thinking of, but Verve reminded us. Verves crew are so helpful. They want to understand our needs, even if we dont agree with their plan, they will find both of us a good way to do it. Once again, thank you, Verve. Jacob and I are grateful for having you on our wedding day! Love, Jacob & Hanny
    Clarissa Cha
    08 Maret 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Ezra & Clarissa

    Trusted Wedding Organizer

    Found Verve WO in instagram. After quick meeting we trust Verve WO to organized our wedding. Turns out Verve WO FULFILL our expectations. The teams really attention to the detail and very helpfull before and on wedding day 😍 Highly recommended WO! I will definitely recommend Verve to my friends and fams 👍🏻❤️

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Full planning, Partial planning, Day of coordinator
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Reception planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Ceremony planning,  Budget preparation
    What is your primary expertise?
    Sangjit, Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding,  International wedding
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    you can book appointment by WA 0813 8185 9292
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    Minimum 50 invitations: 100 guests Maximal 1500 invitations : 3000 guests
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    we can speak English
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    1 year before
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    9-12 hours
    What is your payment terms?
    DP 30-50% depends on package instalment provided
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    What makes your services unique?
    We believed Client's satisfaction is the most important thing for us! We always pay attention to details, reminding clients & vendors, and will be your extraordinary helps for your big day!
    When was your business established?
    Established on 2019, but we had experience in wedding industry since 2010, from freelancer crew until now.

    We are your Extra(ordinary) help for your Wedding Dream Day ✨ Never hesitated to ask us about our services! Available for:

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.