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    Titian Fine Jewelry Ulasan

    12 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
    Ulasan Terbaru
    06 Juni 2024 | Client di Pernikahan A dan W

    wedding ring

    Terimakasih sudah mengabulkan keinginan memiliki cincin nikah yang pathognomonic dan indah :)
    24 Oktober 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan F & W

    Wedding Ring

    I really love my wedding ring, it is cute and really exceed the expectations. The owner is also accomodating and helpful especially when youre a newbie that in needs of guidance (esp when youre really clueless!). My rings design and craftmanship is something that you wouldn't get from buying jewelry from mall or regular store. The only downside is the process take times without any fixed ETA; and from the design we don't have the visibility of dimensions of our rings so there might be cases where you might find the ring is thicker/thinner from expected. To sum up: will def go back for another bespoke jewelry! If youre keen on getting unique and one of a kind type of ring. Titian is ur answer ♥️
    diana dnc
    17 Oktober 2023 | Client di Pernikahan Dnc


    Suka banget sama hasil dan design nya , walaupun proses nya sebenenrya aga lama (dan udah di info juga dari mereka kalau akan lama) tapi I dont mind karena emang ga mau pake buru2. Proses design nya juga ok banget karena super welcome buat di ajak diskusi, can't wait to make another beautiful piece with Titian in the future🧡
    16 Oktober 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Tina & Rifqi

    Helpful and insighful

    Very helpful and insightful. Ownernya bisa diajak diskusi untuk milihin stone yang ok dan bisa custom design persis yang aku mau. Ok banget! Sayangnya jauh dari Jakarta jadi kalo mau maintenance agak mahal di ongkir. Tapi tetep recommended!! Thanks, Titian! Cincin nikahku jadi cantik xixixi
    Farikha Medina
    04 Oktober 2023 | Client di Pernikahan Vaiq

    A good and details craftmanship

    I ordered customized ring at Titian and the result is great and satisfactory. The details of the ring and how they assembled the stones are very details and neat. And also we can personalized the ring so that it become exclusively made for you. Overall its a perfect ring for me.
    03 Oktober 2023 | Client di Pernikahan Ali & Arizka


    Pelayanan memuaskan, sangat ramah, dan cukup responsif. Custom cincin di sini dan hasilnya sangat bagus


    What kind of jewelry do you offer?
    Wedding bands/ rings,  Engagement rings, Wedding set/ Accessories
    For rings, do you have size adjustment services?
    Setelah pemesanan kami menyediakan penyesuaian ukuran, apabila dirasa ukurannya kurang pas dilakukan proses resize dengan ukuran yang diminta.
    Do you ship worldwide?
    Kita terima pesanan untuk dikirim baik dalam maupun luar negeri
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    Waktu yang ideal bagi klien untuk memesan adalah H-2 bulan sebelum hari H
    Do you provide catalog or custom jewelry?
    Menerima pesanan berdasarkan katalog dan /atau custom order
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Untuk layanan luar kota atau negara lain, Titian Fine menerima diskusi online (zoom meeting, atau video call)
    Do you provide certification (i.e GIA)?
    Do you offer a payment plan?
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    Do you provide after sales services?
    Free lifetime cleaning service, 1 month free service after shipping
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Titian was challenged by some of their loyal customers to re-create the signature designs in more precious material such as gold and palladium. Titian also participated in several special moments such as weddings and engagements. These opportunities pushed Titian to create more everlasting jewelries that are wearable daily, with less maintenance and also can be kept as heirlooms. This goal was made possible by Indonesian skillful gold artisans Titian is partnering with. With Titian Fine Jewelry being made, we hope more people will start to collect jewelries as something that they want to keep forever, not something disposable. By combining gold and hand-carved mother of pearl, Titian Fine Jewelry will be a place to frame Titian’s signature designs and Indonesian’s craftsmanship.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    PayPal, Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    50% DP untuk jewelry (exclude stone), jika menggunakan stone maka stone dibayarkan penuh di awal. 50% Pelunasan
    When was your business established?
    In late 2020, Titian was challenged by some of their loyal customers to re-create the signature designs in more precious materials such as gold and palladium.
    Wedding Accessories

    What kind of wedding accessories do you provide?
    Necklaces, Rings, Earrings, Hair Accessories, Bracelets, Headpiece
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Bisa dilakukan melalui WhatsApp. Diutamakan di area Bali dan sekitarnya
    What services do you provide?
    Custom made
    Do you ship worldwide?
    Untuk pengiriman di Indonesia kami menggunakan layanan Paxel (area yang terjangkau), atau JNE dengan garansi. Untuk Internasional, kami menggunakan DHL
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Waktu ideal untuk pemesanan, min. 3 bulan sebelum acara.
    How long in general does it take for your client to get the final accessories?
    Hasil final estimasi 4-5 minggu setelah pemesanan.
    Jl. Pasekan, Perum. Pd. Batu Asri, Gg. Jepun No. 2, Batubulan Kangin, kec. Sukawati Gianyar 80582

    18k Gold | Bringing you wearable art in the shape of fine jewelry from the finest Indonesian artisans Ethically made ✨

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