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    Double Happiness Wedding Organizer Ulasan

    66 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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    Pryanka Mulia
    11 Juni 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Matthew & Pryanka

    DH was a gift from God <3

    As we both are relaxing on our honeymoon, reflecting on the precious moments of our wedding day, we can’t help but be grateful for DH and Ci Juli who were always in the background making sure everything went perfect. To say that DH is an amazing wedding planner would be an understatement. They were truly a gift from God sent to us at a time when we needed them the most. There are many professional and experienced wedding planners, but not only did we get a wonderful service—we found great friends. Thank you for doing the unseen work and for going the extra mile with us.
    Ribka Dwimayani
    10 Juni 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Ronald&Ribka

    Thank you for all

    Terimakasih untuk semua Team DH, yang selalu cepet merespon , dan pemilihan vendornya ok2 semua. Terimakasih juga utk meeting yang mungkin secara personal utk kedua belah pihak keluarga. dan udah bantu nego harga ke setiap vendor, dan mau ngikutin request2 kita , Semoga Team DH bisa tambah sukses dan lancar rezekinya dan bisa terima event2 yang lebih besar lagi, semangat utk bisa terus maju dan buat Team DH jadi team event international.
    16 April 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Wesley & Priscilla

    Thank you DH!

    Ngga salah milih WO! Timnya bener2 keren dan solutif, dan bs ngasih byk rekomendasi vendor2 yg diperluin. Sabar bgt jg ama kita ber2 yg kerjaannya di kantor lg padet bgt di waktu nyiapin nikahan ini. Makasih byk ya tim DH! Sukses teruss pokonya! 🤗👏
    Dwi Anggrayni
    12 Februari 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Rara & Fahmi

    The Best Wedding Planner

    Semua crew membernya super baik dan selalu memenuhi kebutuhan pengantin. Kalo ada problem juga selalu cepat dlm problem solving. Terbaik pokoknya!!!
    Zefanya Masniari Defista Sirait
    17 Desember 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Zefanya & Franklin

    THANK YOU!!!

    The besssst! Team DH yg udh bener2 sabar bantuin kita dr awal persiapan, dgn semua dinamikanya, nemenin kita di h- mendekati hari h, dan bener2 support, bantu, dan nemenin kita banget di tgl 9 Desember kmrn. We really appreciate it, mgkn kalau gak ada team DH rangkaian seharian kmrn ga akan bisa lancar. Bnr2 the best bs menyesuaikan dgn smua perubahan2 yg mgkn terjadi mendekati hari h maupun di hari h. Team DH bener2 mencoba untuk spy aku dan Franklin tenang dgn smua dinamika perubahan yg ada. Ci Juli dan team juga detail bgt jadi kita juga ngerasa aman. Pkknya happy bgt, mama2 juga happy bgt, semuanya juga🥹🥹🤍🤍
    Cinthya Lauren
    05 Desember 2023 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Russell & Cinthya

    A NOT-too short story about Us & Double Happiness WO

    First of all, I wanna thank Jesus Christ for letting me met ci Jul & ko Jeff at bridestory last march, because if I didn't met them at that time, I will never know doublehappinesswo & all of their crews 🥹 For those people who haven't found their Wedding Organizer and might read this, PLEASE CHOOSE DOUBLE HAPPINESS TO BE YOURS!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT AT ALL!!!
I warn ya all it will be a long story, because little details matters to me 🥹 Back to march, I was quite stressed about choosing my wedding organizer because I know they will have an important part in my wedding process & my wedding day. Over 4 different wedding organizer that i talked to, I was really really attracted to Doublehappiness because of the way ci Jul & ko Jeff talked to me & russell, it felt like we are friends and I am not gonna lie they absolutely pitched me with their excel because I made a lot of it during my wedding planning 🤣 They also convinced that they will make sure I don't have to worry about the day, they will accompany us from my morning session until the time we got back to our hotel to rest 🤣 Not gonna lie about this either, our budget for a wedding organizer wasn't that much but just because of those 2 reason i mentioned before, we decided to choose Doublehappiness over other wedding organizer and I could proudly say that the only thing that i regret is WHY DIDN'T I MEET THEM SOONER?! Bride story event ends on 5 March 2023 and I actually text ci Jul on 6 March 2023 at 00.09 a.m. asking shamelessly, “Can I still get the Bride story discount?”, then ci Jul replied my text at 00.36 a.m told me that she absolutely will gave me the discount and made the quotation right away. Like can you imagine how hard working she is?! She just got back home and still replied client text in midnight?! Then our first meeting after the bride story is with ci Jul & Anita at a coffee shop in Alam Sutera named Sunyi Coffee (they hired Disability Barista & Chef and their coffee shop is quite a cozy place), we talked quite a lot not only about our wedding plan but also about each of our background story. Russell & I quite had a lot of fun that day and I still remember how ci Jul's professing faith impressed me. Our second meeting was two weeks later, eight months before my wedding (super early because I felt like I couldn't discussed anything if they haven't saw my venue) along with my decor (Kak Titi from Properparty & Kak Shabrina from Imperial Klub Golf Karawaci), it was an impromptu meeting but Ci Jul manage to come to meet us with Ko Jeff in her busy schedule. Ci Jul help me a lot in during the discussion, she asked a lot of things that I don't even think about, bargained & suggested a lot of things too 🥹 The third meeting was to catch up to update the details of our wedding plan with Anita and again Russell & I felt like we had a great talked, just like we hangout with a friend During the next months, I have a problem that wasn't even related with my wedding plan but ci Jul still help me to sort it out by giving a really strengthen advice to me and after that ci Jul also texted me to checked up on me out of the blue 🥹 And then we meet again at our Technical Meeting (usually TM should be 1 week before the wedding but mine was 2 weeks before just because i request for it and they fulfilled it) along with my decor, venue vendor & entertainment (LeChelle Entertainment), Anita & Ci Jul come and they gave us a mini book of our Rundown that in my opinion looks cute hahaha
Ci Jul go back earlier than others, she told me that she had more meetings but later I found out that she also doesn't feel well that day but she still make it for our TM, how professional she was?! Then the rest of us walked around to talk about the decor layout and Anita help a lot to rearranged the decoration placements to make sure the crowd flows will not suffocate the bride, groom & our family 🥹 Again that day Russell & I felt such an enjoyment talking with them The next two days, we meet again with Anita for our Holy Matrimony rehearsal, we were so grateful because she helped us a lot during our rehearsal, asked, shared and explained things to our family & our church about things that we didn't even think about and she even take some BTS videos for us 🥹 And for the rest of the two weeks, we talked again via chat, I kinda always have an impromptu request and changes for my wedding day, so I quite text Anita a lot about it and she always tried to fulfilled it perfectly! I also want to mentioned that 1-3 weeks before the wedding, the VIPs crew (Bride, Groom & Family's) texted each of us and gave us a list about things that we had to bring on the day before the so that we didn't have to make it by ourself and recap the rundown for each person of the family (How thoughtful they are!!) After TM & Rehearsal, usually a wedding organizer will only meet their client again on the morning of their wedding day (because I have asked some wedding organizer about it) but Anita & Gita came a day before to check on us and survey the surrounding of our hotel. Well actually they weren't only do that 🤣🤣 They initiated to helped us cut our photo gallery, made the snack box, wrap our game's prize, divide our things for the details photo next morning, things to bring to the venue, and again I have an impromptu request which was to asked the guest to throw flowers when Russell & I walked out after our holy matrimony BUT I haven't asked about the permit to our venue and Anita asked it for me 🤣🤣 They even helped me to detached the piled up fake flowers 🤣🤣 OH, and on that day there's a problem with the fan vendors, Anita & DH's crew solved it and we didn't have to worry at all. Move forward to the Wedding Day!! That day was the first time I met ci Henny, I think she is the most patient and kindest one because she had to deal with me 🤪 but I am WRONG. Because turns out all of DH's team were so patient and KIND. From the morning, the vibes that the crews gave was super positive, they felt like friends but they are alert and ready as a wedding organizer, and again I am so grateful for that because I hate people who are stiff and didn't have initiated 🥹🤍 I am really really grateful to have ci Henny as my VIP, she always tried to calmed me down, affirm that things will be done without me having to worried, nicely talked with me, carried all of my things (that I don't even really use), standby to wipe my sweat, fold a small tissue, gave it to russell so that he had tissue for me if I'm crying, she even drive for me & Russell and make sure that I didn't feel thirsty & hungry meanwhile she didn't even ate properly until my Holy Matrimony goes on, and she stayed with me all the time until I got back to the hotel, organize my things to make sure I won't be confused when I searched my things on the next day. As for Russell's testimony, he is also grateful to have Theo as his VIP because he is funny and super helpful. Theo help manage Russell's schedule & carried his things, wipe Russell's sweat, go back and forth to the venue & hotel to take Russell's things that were left behind, help my family to make their necktie, he stayed with him all the time until I got back to the hotel, organize his things to make sure he won't be confused when he searched his things on the next day. He even helped us to became our Tea Pai's MC and he is quite funny 🤣🙏🏻 
Kak Sarah & Kak Domi who were my Family's VIP also helped them a lot, carried their things, take care of their belonging's and needed until the end of the event. My family were praising them and out WO a lot because they were so kind, alert and ready. Kak Resti who were Russell's Family's VIP were also helpul, she carried their things, take care of their belonging's, needed until the end of the event , she even helped to clean my mother's in law make up & take off her hair bobby pin. Anita as the Leader of the day, go back and forth from the hotel to the venue, make sure everything went alright, she even asked their crew to bought me a relx because I suddenly felt that I want vaping 🤪 She offer an umbrella for me & Russell because it was so hot during my holy matrimony but I said no because it won't look good on picture and then she and other DH's crew also helped turn the fan around towards me so that I could feel a little wind, I only know it from DH's story the day after that Anita decor my Holy Candle's table and I might not saw how hard she worked that day, but I just know she had done it right because all of the event that day & everything went smoothly 😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH ANITA!! 😭🤍 I also want to thank ci Jul for coming that day, she's grateful for everything on my day and I become grateful for everything on that day too 🤍🤍🤍 Thank you for the support and the reminder of our Jesus ya ci Jul 🤍🤍 FYI, there are some problems that happened during the day but I didn't know anything at all (just found out about it after the wed day from my family's story) because doublehappiness solved it right away and make everything went smoothly that day 😭 I THANK EVERY DOUBLE HAPPINESS's CREW WHO HAVE BEEN A PART FOR MY WEDDING DAY, YOU ALL ARE KINDLY AMAZING, WITHOUT ALL OF YOU & JESUS, MY WEDDING DAY WON'T BE AS SMOOTH, AS FUN AND YET TIRING BUT NOT STRESSFUL AT ALL LIKE THAT DAY 🤍🤍🤍🤍

    Balasan Vendor

    18 Desember 2023
    Wow! Your words truly warmed our hearts, and were so grateful to have been part of your special day. Sometimes finding a wedding vendor feels like finding a soulmate, right?

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Full planning, Partial planning, Day of coordinator
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Budget preparation,  Ceremony planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding, simple wedding,  Grand wedding,  Religious wedding ceremony
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    20 - 3000 guests
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Kindly Contact : 087788997337
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    Bahasa Inggris & Bahasa Mandarin
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Bali, Jakarta and surrounding areas ( JABODETABEK )
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    3-12 months prior the wedding
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    From the bride's make up till the end of the party.
    What makes your services unique?
    We do believe every couple is different and that they deserve a wedding as unique as every snowflake. However, more importantly,We also believe that every couple should know the meaning of marriage. Therefore, we have sharing sessions with the couple to really discuss the meaning of marriage.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    30% for down payment, 50 % 1 month before the party, 20% after party.
    When was your business established?
    Double Happiness was established in 2011 with Chinese, Cantonese & Taiwanese as its target market. However, in 2018, we began expanding our target market and assisted the Indonesians who wish to get married in Bali, Jakarta and surrounding areas (Jabodetabek).
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    We do believe every couple is different and that they deserve a wedding as unique as every snowflake. However, more importantly,We also believe that every couple should know the meaning of marriage. Therefore, we have sharing sessions with the couple to really discuss the meaning of marriage.

    We will help for each couple to realize the wedding dreams that you needs by cooperate with professional vendors who able fulfill your wedding dream come true. In addition we can also cooperate the professional vendor which suitable with your budget, Let's contact us for getting our professional consult.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.