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    Bantu calon pengantin membuat pilihan terbaik dengan cara mengirimkan ulasan untuk
    Vendor yang pernah bekerja sama Anda

    CITTA Wedding Ulasan

    18 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
    Ulasan Terbaru
    Tanti Qvr
    09 Oktober 2023 | Vendor rekanan di Pernikahan The Seminyak


    Decorations was so great our client really satisfied

    Balasan Vendor

    09 Oktober 2023
    Thank you, Mrs. Tanti, I hope The Seminyak Beach Resort and Spa and CITTA can always be good, long lasting partners
    ASA organizer
    07 Oktober 2023 | Vendor rekanan di Pernikahan

    #TheWeddingOfKnights puas bgt dg totalitas tim CITTA

    Kami dr ASA organizer puas sekali sbg wedding planner yg memilih CITTA (bu dini & team) yg mengurusi dekorasi dan lighting untuk pernikahan client kami. Sangat cooperative, dan yang dijanjikan sesuai hasilnya bahkan lebih baik. Dalam prosesnya kami jg diupdate progress moodboard dan pembuatan hasil akhirnya. Bikin tenang deh. Client kami Radit & Aulia beserta keluarga juga sangat puas. Terima kasih CITTA, cu on the next project. Kt bikin yg ajaib2 lagi bersama ya.

    Balasan Vendor

    07 Oktober 2023
    Terima kasih ASA ORGANIZER untuk kesempatannya kami di rekomendasikan oleh klien ASA ORGANIZER . Senang mengetahui kami bisa membuat dekorasi seperti yang klien inginkan dan bisa memahami details yang ASA ORGANIZER inginkan. Ditunggu kesempatan-kesempatan berikutnya, Dan semoga kami bisa selalu memberikan yang terbaik. SUKSES SELALU untuk ASA ORGANIZER!!
    Regina Veronica
    01 Februari 2023 | Client di Pernikahan Regina & Tetha

    Acara Tunangan

    Sebelumnya, kami mau mengucapkan terimakasih atas bantuan Tim CITTA utk acara kami. Namun, berdasarkan hasil pengamatan kemarin, terdapat beberapa hal yg jauh berbeda dgn yg kita sepakati bersama sbb: 1. Welcome sign — di sini, tulisan diprint dan desain tidak sesuai dgn kesepakatan 2. Kursi tamu & kursi CTW CTP tidak dihias sama sekali padahal tercantum diinvoice — di sini, pihak CITTA telah memberikan refund sebesar Rp500.000,- Kurang lebih itu feedback dr kami, terimakasih🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Balasan Vendor

    01 Februari 2023
    Terima Kasih ulasan yang diberikan kepada kami, dan kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan atas kelalaian kami. Refund yang diberikan adalah sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab kami untuk tetap dapat memuaskan klien-klien kami. Semoga miss understanding dan segala keterbatasan yang terjadi tidak mengurangi kebahagian kalian pada saat lamaran berlangsung. . Dan kami mengucapkan selamat atas lamaran kalian berdua, semoga sehat selalu dan lancar sampai hari H. Dan Silahturahmi bisa terjalin dengan baik kembali.
    23 Januari 2023 | Pengantin pria di Pernikahan Monica & Koko

    Best Wedding Decoration

    the service is more than expected, the owner is friendly, the discussion is easy and really follows our wishes, on our wedding day, the decoration was done quickly, precisely, neatly. citta wedding is very professional and we highly recommend it

    Balasan Vendor

    25 Januari 2023
    We’re glad that we were able to cheer your day. Trust us, you’ve made our day immensely better by sharing your experience. Happy Newlywed for both of you!!
    Dian Amelia
    06 November 2022 | Client di Pernikahan Jasmine & Ismail

    Best Decor in town for deadline in 2 weeks hihi

    Thanks for Mbak Dini Citta Wedding to making decoration this wedding dream very beautiful and success ♥️♥️♥️ next project pasti pakai mbak din terus nich ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    Balasan Vendor

    06 November 2022
    We are very glad that you are choosing us from the time we started. We are grateful!! We sincerely hope you had a wonderful time, and we look forward to seeing you soon. love from us ♥️♥️♥️
    anastasia saraswati
    10 September 2022 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Anastasia & Andhika

    Best choice !

    Didnt know what i wanted for my wedding tapi mbak Dni sangat amat membantu, she's so nice, langsung cocok dari pertama ketemu, nggak pelit ide dan kreatifitas, nggak ribet, sabar bgt ngadepin klien macam saya hahaha and the result sangat memuaskan.. everyone loves the decoration.. bunganya banyak, warnanya nggak too much, tapi cukup dan pas bgt.. aku bersyukur dapet rekomendasi (more than 1) utk milih Citta Wedding for my wedding decor..

    Balasan Vendor

    11 September 2022
    Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dari hari bahagia kalian. We are so happy to see all of you and your family member and friends love too. I hope, both of you have a beautiful married! Thank you, CITTA Wedding Team

    Decoration & Lighting

    Which of the following services do you provide?
    Event concept & design,  Event décor,  Event planning,  Floral design, Wedding Planner and Wedding Unique Assesories
    Do you offer consultations?
    Do you provide sample arrangements?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    20 persons and more
    What is the style of your decorations?
    Classic,  Country,  Glamorous,  Modern,  Nautical,  Bohemian,  Romantic,  Rustic,  Tropical,  Vintage
    Do you provide sample arrangements?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    What supporting equipment do you provide?
    Chairs,  Chair covers,  Tables,  Tablecloths and linens,  Tableware,  Centerpieces,  Room or ceiling draping,  Lighting,  Stage or dance floor
    Do you offer delivery, set up, and breakdown services?
    What makes your services unique?
    Our decoration varies based on the theme of the wedding. Let our team bring an innovative and magical ambience to your event, so you treat yourself and your guests to something truly “beyond beauty”
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    3 Months in advance would be great, but if they must, the latest they can contact us is 1 month before the D-Day
    What is your payment terms?
    10% for booking date, and 30% after confirmation of contract, 60% 2 weeks before the D-Day
    If you have not worked at the ceremony or reception sites previously, would you be willing to visit the sites before the event?
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    Jl. Sedap Malam No. 153, Sanur, Bali Indonesia 17412

    Citta Wedding – Citta Wedding Decoration serves every wedding couple with all heart to make the wedding day as beautiful as what they have dreamed of. We’re willing to help by giving the best suggestions needed to make your dream comes true.

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