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    Joshua Gunadhi Review(s)

    5 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Amelia  Rusadi
    25 July 2024 | Client at Amelia Rusadi & Andy Liang Wedding

    Crazy fun pre-wedding & wedding videographer by Josh

    Thank God, I found Ko Josh and Team among the many vendors and am so happy because we finally chose Ko Josh and Team as partners for our wedding event. Ko Josh, I just want to say that your work is very excellence, creative, communicated the direct poses for us well because we were very stiff in posing, very initiative and funnnn. Honestly, Andy and I were very happy with the results until we repeated it again and again because it was very memorable for us and in line with our expectations. Those of you who want to find a vendor for your big day event, whatever it is, you really should try partnering with Ko Josh and team, I believe their results will be above your expectations in terms of poses, tone, moments and credibility on deadline. Everything was so perfect for me. Please take a look at his portfolio guys, I really hope that if I have a project event I can collaborate again with Ko Josh and the team in the future.
    10 June 2024 | Client at Ferry & Stephanie Wedding

    Videographer unyu

    Kocak… kata pertama buat josh. Rame banget orangnya. Bisa bikin suasana jadi ga tegang. Seru abis pokoknya. Sampe di studio langsung disambut sama kekocakan josh. Anak ak yg suka malu2 sama orang baru aja bisa langsung ketawa2 dan langsung mau disuruh gaya ini itu sama josh. Hasil videonya juga bagus, suami ak yg paling ga suka foto video aja bs luwes. 4 jam di studio ga berasa sama tim josh dkk. Thanks a lot josh, we are definitely a satisfy client.
    31 May 2024 | Bride at Eunike & Yanosta Wedding

    Unforgettable Prewed Sesh!

    Seru bangettt prewed sesh bareng ko Josh! Love how ko Josh really depicts our casual dating moments into a fun prewed video. Dari awal discuss concept video nya, we decided to just go for a casual theme, and really satisfied by the result since it really resemblances our moments 🥹🥹. Kalo prewed bareng ko Josh gaperlu worry about our bad angles, since he knows right away angle2 bagus kita HEHEHE. Seru banget sih overall on our prewed day, ga berasa itu dari pagiii banget smpe malemm. Definitely unforgettable !!! ✨✨✨ thank you ko Josh! Besttttt
    Jessica Astriana Ngadiman
    28 May 2024 | Client at Juvendi & Jessica Wedding

    Josh did such a great job for our pre-wedding video ❤️

    Sukaaa banget sama hasil videonya. Pertama kali tau Josh from my sister and I loved how her pre-wedding video turned out to be. Jadi waktu milih-milih vendor video pre-wed Josh udah ada on top of our lists and we’re grateful that we chose him. Pas meeting sebelum berangkat kita udah kasi tau Josh kira-kira mau vibes nya seperti apa dan Josh bisa menangkap visi yang kita mau & bener2 helpful banget. Kita dibantuin stylingnya, dan direkomendasiin tempat-tempat shootingnya juga. Pas shooting juga fun banget & he knows just the right angles & details2 aestetik yang ga lupa di shoot. Pas liat hasil pre-wed video nya juga aku & pasangan happy banget karena he sucessfully captured our interactions, videonya fun, tapi tetep aestetik & cantik. We’re so happy with the shooting experience & the results that we decided to use his service again to film our wedding day! Ga sabar sampai hari H & see how Josh works his magic again 👏🏻
    Angelica Alethea
    28 May 2024 | Bride at Rusli & Angelica Wedding


    Kita Wedding di Bandung tanggal 18 Mei 2024. Pertama kali chat Josh itu bulan Oktober 2023. Selama ngobrol & liat portofolionya, ternyata cocok & suka sama taste pengambilan gambar josh berbeda dari yg lain. Mungkin untuk videographer yg lain masih “wedding cantik” ajah angle2nya, tapi kita suka taste josh yg lebih MOOD dan Touching sama Moments2nya!! Bahkan jarak jkt-bdg kita masih bisa ngobrol online untuk josh tanya2 lebih lanjut kita suka tipe kyk apa & ada request apa. Di guide untuk pilih mood2 lagunya, bahkan bener2 gak yg MAINSTREAM. Untuk SDE bener2 1000/10 ✨✨ tepat waktu, videonya bagus sampe semua tamu bilang bagus banget SDEnya.. josh & team juga SERU! HELPFUL! BAIK BAIK! Dan Proffessional sekali! Bisa get along sama 2 vendor foto lainnya yg baru di kenal hari itu. VIDEONYA GAK DI RAGUKAN LAGI! THE BEST CHOICE UNTUK WEDDINGANKU YA SALAH SATUNYA PAKAI JOSHUA GUNADHI AS A VIDEOGRAPHER.. thankyou Josh & Team! We’ll see you in another country waktu kalian Open trip? Or maybie untuk next2 project aku pasti chat Josh! 💕✨🫶🏻🤍

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