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Words That Describe Love - Andhika & Sherra Prewedding
oleh Kairos Works

Diperbarui pada 17 November 2017, Bali

Love. This simple word has such a deep meaning, and has different impacts to different people. Once you’ve tasted love, once you’ve experienced it, everything changes. It was like you’ve found yourself waking up in a totally new world. Everything is just perfect and beautiful. You will see the world with a totally different perspective. You will notice everything that you've never realized that it existed before, and be amazed you with its existence. Suddenly your life is filled with a lot of quotes, your mind keeps on thinking of how grateful and amazing your life is. Words like "Amazing" "Everything" "Heart" "Life" "Until" "Deserve" "Fall" "Smile" "Because" "Forever" "Understand" and many more, all of a sudden have different meanings. How magical it is, how Love can exaggerate your serotonin dose to its max and makes every human being in this world agree or deny to things, looking at so many places, into so many ways, at so many people, and everything in this world to feel amazing. Some people are curious, some people impose on certain things, some people chase certain things, and some people, who we sometimes call lucky, are gifted. The problem is, how this treasure in life can be so difficult to find. In some people, sometimes their last love experience turned unfaithful, turning them cynical. I often hear that Love is actually a lie in every person’s heart. Just sitting there, and it is so easy to find and feel them. But many of us become blind in so many ways and distracted by so many things to make us realize just what we have. I’ve heard about this so many times but until I’ve truly understood what love is, it’s just another wise advise that I never took seriously. But in my lack of wisdom and knowledge, I have this ritual that I believe that have led me to experience love. I rather slow down my life’s pace. Just sitting on a bench in a garden or beach, clearing my mind from everything I know about anything and paying closer attention to people. Not try to understand nor conceive, but to feel. To feel the feeling that this world have placed in your heart. And watching this event has made me understand what this feeling feels like, felt by the people who have been gifted with Love. And it gave me so much love to feel and to share with other people, who are somehow in my condition. So that they can feel this feeling. The same feeling just like how I am blessed with this feeling. Love. Best Artha

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