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"Up-lifted" Arif & Mega by Jan
oleh Axioo

Diperbarui pada 05 Juni 2017, Melbourne (Victoria)

I think that there’s a loser inside all of us. As much as we don’t like to admit it, there are times in our lives when we feel ourselves a little less than perfect… or maybe even a lot less than just good - like we’re just barely making it. There are times when we find ourselves feeling insecure, about who we are and what we can do; times when we feel like we’re growing smaller as the world around us grows bigger; times when we feel a little bit (or a lot) like a loser. Times like these are inevitable. It happens even to the best of us, whether we like it or not. Even the greatest people in this world have their “off” days; days when they let loose the “loser” inside of them and let it take control, even for just one day. It happens. We just need to deal with it. And dealing with it means reigning that little loser inside of us, to not let it completely take over our lives, because that little loser inside of us can only bring us down. It never really has anything good to offer anyway. That’s why, even if it will always be there, we should always try to (hard!) to never let it surface. Lately, I have found that the best way to drown my loser self every time it wants to come out for air, is to surround myself with encouraging people. I can’t tell you how much being around motivating people have helped me. In the place where I work, I have found that people struggle with their loser-selves too, just like me. And so to fight them all together, we lift each other up with words. We praise each other’s works. We encourage each other to break down walls, to take our creativity to a higher level, to be better. We drown our loser-selves daily and never let it come up for air. So far, it has worked wonders for me. Some might say that I am lucky, but I say that I am blessed. I felt even more blessed when I had the chance to work with such a supportive client such as Arif and Mega. Because of some crazy mix up over my work visa, I arrived later than planned in Melbourne for my session with this couple. I felt so bad and I could sense my loser-self about to make its way up. I fought it, and upon meeting this understanding, forgiving and supportive clients, I managed to banish it completely. The loser inside of us will always be there and it won’t miss a chance to bring us down. The only way we can beat it is to surround ourselves with supportive and uplifting people. When you found them, be sure to treasure them! Cheers, Jan

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