Blog / Relationship Tips

Relationship Tips on
The Bridestory Blog

We are here not only to feed your inspired minds, but also your heart and soul. We are very enthusiastic to share our experience, thoughts and knowledge to improve your relationship a little bit before-and-after marriage.

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What You Need to Know about Chemistry & Compatibility
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We often think that just because we are compatible, it means that there is chemistry and vice versa. The fact is that chemistry and compatibility are very different and can influence your relationship when either one is missing. So, how can we differentiate between the two? And how important is having both chemistry and compatibility in a relationship? Here we discuss the influence of having one over the other and how it affects your relationship.

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How to Create a Bond with Your Step-Children
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You're about to marry and instantly become a mom. A step mom. Your mind must be filled with questions and uncertainties. Here are answers to 7 most commonly asked questions by stepparents that might help you out.

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What If You Got Bored With Your Spouse
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Are you feeling bored with your partner and your relationship? The good news is that it's common and that there's something to do about it! Read on to find out what kind of boredom you're experiencing and what you can do about it.

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Worst Case Scenario: He’s Been Unfaithful
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So, he's cheated on you before. What should you do about it? Should you leave him or should you give him a second chance?

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The Social Media Rules in a Relationship
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You're in love. You're incredibly happy. And just want to shout it out at the top of your lungs for the whole world to know. Or you can just post about it on your social media. But when does sharing become oversharing? Let us share with you 4 major scenarios you should not be posting on the internet.

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Is It Wise to Tell Your Best-friends Everything?
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You consider your best friend a part of the family and you want to tell her everything. But when it comes to your relationship, there are boundaries on what you can and cannot share. Here's a short guide.

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4 Signs You Need Couples Counseling
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It might still be too early for you to even think about couple's therapy, but there's nothing wrong with learning something, because to prevent is easier than to salvage. So, let us share with you when it might be time for a marriage to start seeking professional help.

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